as we head into a Constitutional Crisis...

The nation's capital is undergoing unfathomable turmoil and the rest of America is rattled to the core, it seems. Either you turn on the news every day to see what the newest challenge to our Constitution and the rule of law is, as I do, or you avert your eyes because it is all just too much to bear. It is hard to be a helpless witness to history! So perhaps the best thing to do is to turn your attention to areas where your voice and your activism can still make a difference. Although the Republicans have voted to remove pretty much every one of Governor Evers's initiatives from his proposed budget, we're still fighting the good fight on a number of crucial fronts.

On the BadgerCare expansion, the League of Progressive Seniors is spearheading a move to have a massive state-wide demo in an effort to get attention for the Medicaid Expansion. We can win this fight, just as we won the effort to prevent the complete repeal of Obamacare. So stay tuned and plan to participate. I will let you know once a date, time and place have been firmed up for this event. And in case you've momentarily forgotten just how central this issue is, I want to remind you that the health insurance for thousands of Wisconsin citizens is not the only thing at stake. If the state takes the Federal dollars that come with the expansion, we can fund the Evers proposals for schools, roads, and more. It's that important.

On the Fair Maps front, the Coalition has begun a new initiative to get yard signs posted all around the state in noticeable numbers. The Fair Elections Project is taking orders for bundles of 25 signs at $4 per sign ($100 for 25 signs, $200 for 50 signs, etc.) Once an order is placed, the organization will get in touch with instructions about how to pick them up either in Milwaukee on June 1 or in Madison on June 2. You or the organization distributing them are free to sell them at cost or for a profit (which you can keep!). If you'd like to participate and either want to order signs in bulk yourself or have access to an organization that might purchase and sell or distribute them, you'll find all the information you need at For more information, email [email protected]. And while you're visiting the Fair Elections Project website, be sure to sign the petition.

Sunday, May 5, was a beautiful spring day. So a lot of people opted for outdoor activities that day and missed Reggie Jackson's wonderful presentation on the history of racial segregation in Milwaukee. If you are one of those people, here's a very brief recap. You'll find a longer and more interesting account on our website, including information about local organizations who are working to address the issues.

What Did Reggie Jackson Tell Us about the Hidden Impact of Segregation in his May 5th Presentation?
by Chistine Kuramoto

Milwaukee ranks as the "most segregated" metropolitan area in the U.S., and Wisconsin is the second most segregated state in the nation, said Jackson. Jackson reviewed the history of Wisconsin housing segregation progression, citing policy specifics at both local and national levels. He noted effects of contracts for individual sales restricted sales to "Caucasian" buyers; the contracts were legally enforced until 1948. On the Federal level, an agency called the Home Owners' Loan Corporation shaped real estate reality, and gave realtors and lenders resources to implement color-coded maps for discriminatory purposes.


Tue May 14, 2019

Drinking Liberally MKE, 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Art Bar, 722 E. Burleigh St., Milwaukee

Now, more than ever, Drinking Liberally is a space to gather, support each other, and form the progressive community we need. Come share a pint with your fellow progressives! Drinking Liberally MKE meets on the second Tuesday of every month, hosted by Matt Filipowicz.

350 Milwaukee Meeting, 7pm - 8:30pm
Urban Ecology Center, 1500 E. Park Pl., Milwaukee

350.ORG is the global organization building a grassroots movement in 188 countries to address global warming and solve the climate crisis. 350 Milwaukee meets every month on the second Tuesday. More information.

Wed May 15, 2019

Refuel the Resistance, 5pm - 8pm
Bounce Milwaukee, 2801 S. 5th Ct., Milwaukee

Weekly gathering at Bounce Milwaukee's mezzanine bar for networking, inspiration or just to vent. Bring along any evidence of your civic resistance from the last week to get a beverage (up to $7) on the house, and compare notes with other individuals and groups working to make things better. More information.

Drinking Liberally Wauwatosa, 6:30pm - 9pm
Walter's, 6930 W. North Ave., Wauwatosa

Come join fellow Wauwatosa progressives for good conversation. More info.

Southwest Region Dems Meeting, 7pm - 7pm
Studz Pub Sports Bar & Grill, 6833 W. National Ave., West Allis

Southwest Dems will hold their monthly meeting. Region 5 covers Franklin, Greendale, Greenfield, Hales Corners, Milwaukee (Southwest), West Allis, West Milwaukee. For more information, [email protected].

Sat May 18, 2019

Community Brainstorming, 8am - 11am
St. Matthew CME Church, 2944 N. 9th St., Milwaukee

Note: Change of date Community Brainstorming Conference Breakfast Forum: Breakfast: 8 am, Program: 9 am. Milwaukee's High Black Infant Mortality: A Federal Grant and the African American Perinatal Health Collaborative. - Dr. Patricia McManus, President/CEO, Black Health Coalition - Dr. Tito Izard, President/CEO, Milwaukee Health Services, Inc. - Mr. Albert Holmes, President, My Father's House - Ms. Dalvery Blackwell, Executive Director, African American Breastfeeding Network. Moderator/Chairperson: Hon. Russell Stamper Sr. All Are Invited, Come and Participate. More info.

Gwen Moore Congressional Cafe, 10:30am - 12pm
Kelly Senior Center, 6100 S. Lake Dr., Cudahy

In her "Congressional Cafe" event, Rep. Gwen Moore will meet with constituents for a discussion about important federal legislative issues, events in Congress, and constituent concerns. State Senator Chris Larson, State Representative Christine Sinicki, and Milwaukee County Supervisors Marina Dimitrijevic and Steven Shea will also be on hand. More information: Milwaukee office, 414-297-1140.

Hands Across the Sand, 11am - 1pm
Bender Park, 4503 E. Ryan Rd., Oak Creek

Hands Across the Sand is part of a national day to protest fossil fuels. Gather at Bender Park at 11 a.m. for snacks, refreshments, and speakers on the need for a clean energy transition. At noon, gather on the beach to hold hands as part of the national event. More information and RSVP.

NAACP Monthly Meeting, 11:30am - 1pm
2745 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Dr., Milwaukee

Monthly membership meeting of NAACP Milwaukee Branch. The meeting is held in the basement conference room.

Stand for Peace, 12pm - 1pm
Highway 100/North Mayfair Road & North Avenue, Wauwatosa

Stand for peace in the streets of Milwaukee, every Saturday at noon. Organized by Peace Action Wisconsin.

Sun May 19, 2019

MKE Meeting with Elizabeth Warren Campaign, 4pm - 5:30pm
Wiengrad home, 2815 E Oklahoma Ave, Bayview

This event is for people supporting or leaning support for Elizabeth Warren for President. We will discuss local issues with national Warren campaign staff. More info.

Mon May 20, 2019

DPMC Issues Committee Meeting, 4:30pm - 5:30pm
Amalgamated Transit Union, 734 N. 26th St., Milwaukee

The Democratic Party's Issues Committee will hold its monthly meeting. All Democrats are welcome to participate.

Milwaukee Dems Meeting, 6pm - 6pm
Amalgamated Transit Union, 734 N. 26th St., Milwaukee

Milwaukee County Democrats meet monthly to discuss party business, hear speakers on current topics, pass resolutions, and network with other progressives. All interested Democrats are invited.

Wed May 22, 2019

Refuel the Resistance, 5pm - 8pm
Bounce Milwaukee, 2801 S. 5th Ct., Milwaukee

Weekly gathering at Bounce Milwaukee's mezzanine bar for networking, inspiration or just to vent. Bring along any evidence of your civic resistance from the last week to get a beverage (up to $7) on the house, and compare notes with other individuals and groups working to make things better. More information.

Drinking Liberally - Port Washington, 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Schooner Pub, 114 N Franklin St, Port Washington

This month's discussion topic is global warming. More info.

Drinking Liberally Glendale, 6:30pm - 9pm
Bar Louie, 5750 N. Bayshore Dr., Glendale

Drinking Liberally Glendale meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month. Come drink a beverage or two of your choice and talk about Liberal stuff. More information.

Thu May 23, 2019

Mental Health Board Meeting, 4:30pm - 4:30pm

Milwaukee County Mental Health Board Meeting. Public Comment: none. More information.

MICAH Annual Celebration, 6pm - 8:30pm
St. Matthew's Ev. Lutheran Church, 1615 N. Wauwatosa Ave., Wauwatosa

MICAH's 2019 Annual Celebration, "We Still Have a Dream," is a major fundraiser to support the work of MICAH.6pm: Reception with heavy hors d’oeuvres. 7-8:30pm: Celebration Program Keynote Speaker: Pastor Walter Lanier, Progressive Baptist Church, Milwaukee. Honoring Awardees:To Do What Is Just Award: Dr. Latish Reed, MPS Equity Specialist; Distinguished Leadership Award: Conor Williams, Economic Policy Analyst. Community Advocates Tickets are $50. Advance purchase required (deadline is May 19): Online or email or call 414-264-0805.

Sat May 25, 2019

Stand for Peace, 12pm - 1pm
North Lincoln Memorial Drive & Lafayette Hill Road, Milwaukee

Stand for peace in the streets of Milwaukee, every Saturday at noon. Organized by Peace Action Wisconsin.

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