So, is "The Better Deal" a big deal or not? The agenda itself strikes me as a worthy articulation of key initiatives Democrats have been discussing for years. I'm just not sure as a slogan it stands up well to such oldies and goodies as the "New Deal," "New Frontier," or "Great Society." Of course its actual rival is "Make America Great Again!"
If you're interested in promoting a strong agenda for the Democratic party, you might want to look into the work going on under the rubric "Summer for Progress." Unfortunately, the website doesn't provide any information about who is behind this effort but the purpose of the petition is to show support for eight bills that have been introduced in the House of Representatives:
- Medicare for All: H.R. 676 Medicare For All Act
- Free College Tuition: H.R. 1880 College for All Act of 2017
- Worker Rights: H.R.15 - Raise the Wage Act
- Women’s Rights: H.R.771 - Equal Access to Abortion Coverage in Health Insurance (EACH Woman) Act of 2017
- Voting Rights: H.R. 2840 - Automatic Voter Registration Act
- Environmental Justice: Climate Change Bill - Renewable Energy (More details soon!)
- Criminal Justice and Immigrant Rights: H.R. 3227 - Justice is Not For Sale Act of 2017
- Taxing Wall Street: H.R. 1144 - Inclusive Prosperity Act
The point of this exercise, I'm sure, is to make some news. There's zero chance any of these bills will make it to the floor for a vote during this congressional session.
Meanwhile, the Senate is going to vote in a couple of hours on the procedural motion to allow "debate" on some bill or other that rewards the rich and punishes the poor and middle classes under the guise of "reforming" the healthcare system. It has escaped no one's notice that Senator McCain is making an emergency exit from his sick bed to help strip affordable access to the very healthcare system he's now relying on to cure his glioblastoma from millions of Americans. His privileged position makes such hypocrisy impossible to overlook. Senator McCain sometimes seems to be a man of principle. Not on this occasion, it seems.
Meanwhile, the Senate is going to vote in a couple of hours on the procedural motion to allow "debate" on some bill or other that rewards the rich and punishes the poor and middle classes under the guise of "reforming" the healthcare system. It has escaped no one's notice that Senator McCain is making an emergency exit from his sick bed to help strip affordable access to the very healthcare system he's now relying on to cure his glioblastoma from millions of Americans. His privileged position makes such hypocrisy impossible to overlook. Senator McCain sometimes seems to be a man of principle. Not on this occasion, it seems.
And in Wisconsin disfunction, the budget is still not done. The key issue seems to be how to fund necessary spending on roads. "The Senate plan would rely on borrowing to fund roads and cut taxes on businesses and those earning $200,000 to $500,000 a year" (jsonline, July 23, 2017). Few would argue that our roads need repairs, but choosing bond issues over other funding methods (primarily taxes either in the form of mileage or in the form of raising the gas tax) simply "kicks the can down the road" as politicians are fond of saying. The proposal to cut taxes on the wealthiest among us is just mind-boggling.
And then there are the funds for education. Per pupil spending will go up, but looser rules for some types of voucher schools may not be such welcome news. Apparently Republicans are trying to find ways of "boosting enrollment in two of the state's four voucher programs" while at the same time "rural schools would lose almost all of the $20 million in so-called sparsity aid proposed by Walker" (jsonline., July 23, 2017). I have no idea why they think it important to manipulate the budget for such purposes. Isn't the "free market" supposed to determine the "winners and losers" here? Plus Walker wants to limit the ability of school districts to use referenda to offset the declines in state funding. As usual, they are determined to stick it to the little people who just work for a living and barely make ends meet.
Some Announcements
Our next event, on Sunday, August 13, addresses issues with conservation of our waters. The League of Conservation Voters will present "Help Save Our Wells and Waterways" at the North Shore Presbyterian Church, beginning at 4pm. As Wisconsin’s wells and waterways are put under pressure from the relaxation of state water protection standards, citizens MUST work together or face irreparable harm. So I hope you will join us. As usual, please RSVP.
Wed Jul 26, 2017
Refuel the Resistance, 5pm - 8pm
Bounce Milwaukee, 2801 S. 5th Ct., Milwaukee
Weekly gathering at Bounce Milwaukee's mezzanine bar for networking, inspiration or just to vent. Bring along any evidence of your civic resistance from the last week to get a beverage (up to $7) on the house, and compare notes with other individuals and groups working to make things better. More information.
Drinking Liberally Glendale, 7pm - 7pm
Bar Louie, 5750 N. Bayshore Dr., Glendale
Drinking Liberally Glendale meets on the last Wednesday of the month. Comedrink a beverage or two of your choice and talk about Liberal stuff. More information.
Thu Jul 27, 2017
Beyond Sherman Park, 9pm
Parklawn Assembly of God Church, 3725 N Sherman Blvd., Milwaukee
A 10/36 Special: Milwaukee PBS host Portia Young and WUWM host LaToya Dennis discuss housing, unemployment, education, community pride, and police relations--and the impact all of this has on neighborhoods and residents beyond Sherman Park. Audience members will have opportunities to ask questions and make comments. Free and open to the public. RSVP at -- ticket holders enter first. Doors open at 6:30, Discussion at 7:00.
Waukesha Writers Club, 8pm
336 Wisconsin Ave, Waukesha, WI
The "Letter to the Editor" section is one of the most widely read parts of thenewspaper, offering a chance to reach a broad audience. Letters to our legislators are also an effective way to let them know what we expect of them. Working together gives us the opportunity to discuss the current issues, improve writing skills, develop persuasive techniques that target intended readers, and help each other with ideas and suggestions. Sponsored by Grassroots Waukesha (Contact: Carl).
Sat Jul 29, 2017
Medicare for All Rally, 11am - 12pm
Wis Federation of Nurses & Health Professionals, 9620 W. Greenfield Ave., West Allis
Join healthcare consumers and medical professionals to make a clarion call for publicly run health coverage to beat back the corporate private insurance industry. With the Affordable Care Act’s repeal likely stalled in the Senate, it is now time to advance a vision of a better healthcare system! Medicare & Medicaid’s 52nd birthday is the time to finally argue for “Medicare-for-All” and/or a Medicaid Public Option! Hosted by Citizen Action of WI, WI Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals, SEIU Healthcare WI. RSVP.
Wed Aug 2, 2017
Democracy Convention / Minneapolis, All day Wed Aug 2, 2017 - Sun Aug 6, 2017
University of Minnesota, 269 19th Ave. S, Minneapolis
The Democracy Convention brings together policymakers, community leaders,movement intellectuals, and researchers working to strengthen democracy where it matters most: in the institutions and the daily life that constitute U.S. society. The Democracy Convention recognizes the importance of each separate democracy struggle, as well as the need to unite them all in a common movement for democracy in the United States. More than a single event, therefore, the Democracy Convention houses nine conferences under one roof. This year, these will include the Community & Economic Democracy, Democratizing the Constitution, Earth Democracy, Education for Democracy, Global Democracy, Media Democracy, Peace & Democracy, Race & Democracy, and Representative Democracy conferences. To register or to find more information.
Refuel the Resistance , 5pm - 8pm
Bounce Milwaukee, 2801 S. 5th Ct., Milwaukee
Weekly gathering at Bounce Milwaukee's mezzanine bar for networking, inspiration or just to vent. Bring along any evidence of your civic resistance from the last week to get a beverage (up to $7) on the house, and compare notes with other individuals and groups working to make things better. More information.
Grass Roots South Shore Meeting, 6pm - 6pm
Cudahy Library, 3500 Library Dr., Cudahy
Grass Roots South Shore will hold its monthly meeting. Grass Roots South Shoremeets on the first Wednesday of each month. For more information call Jim Balk, 414-218-5944.
Fair Maps Project Presentation, 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Waukesha Public Library, Wisconsin Avenue, Waukesha
Paul Geenen and Khary Penebaker will describe how manipulative politicians havedrawn maps behind closed doors for their own partisan gains, explain why fair and impartial maps are important, and provide ways to fight gerrymandering and promote independent redistricting. The event is sponsored by OFA (Organizing for Action).
Thu Aug 3, 2017
Democracy Convention / Minneapolis, All day Wed Aug 2, 2017 - Sun Aug 6, 2017
University of Minnesota, 269 19th Ave. S, Minneapolis
See the listing on Wed Aug 2, 2017.
Resilience for Activists, 6pm - 7pm
CORE/El Centro, 130 W. Bruce St., 2nd Floor, Milwaukee
Come learn how to sustain your energy and faith while having realistic expectations of yourself and abilities. Learn the strategies to pace yourself so you can maintain momentum. Explore where emotions come from, how long they last, and how we can control them better. Facilitator Julie Henszey is a member of the Citizen Action Healthcare for All Co-Op and a local expert in goal achievement, resilience, and influence. All are welcome, but RSVP priority will be given to Healthcare for All Co-op members. RSVP. Contact: Katie Dunn, 262-227-4212.
Sparkle Ashley Event, 6pm - 8pm
KISS Ultra Lounge, 7330 N. 76th St., Milwaukee
Meet Sparkle Ashley, candidate for Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors! Sparkle is a long time resident of Milwaukee's northwest side, social worker, and Emerge graduate. She is committed to bringing change that we can see to the County Board. The event is not designed as a fundraiser, but any contributions will be accepted and appreciated. Make a donation.
DPMC Issues Comm Canceled, 8pm
Amalgamated Transit Union, 734 N. 26th St., Milwaukee
NOTE: The Democratic Party's Issues Committee will not hold its meeting this month. The meetings will resume in September.
Fri Aug 4, 2017
Democracy Convention / Minneapolis, All day Wed Aug 2, 2017 - Sun Aug 6, 2017
University of Minnesota, 269 19th Ave. S, Minneapolis
See the listing on Wed Aug 2, 2017.
Sat Aug 5, 2017
Democracy Convention / Minneapolis, All day Wed Aug 2, 2017 - Sun Aug 6, 2017
University of Minnesota, 269 19th Ave. S, Minneapolis
See the listing on Wed Aug 2, 2017.
Resilience for Activists, 1pm - 2pm
CORE/El Centro, 130 W. Bruce St., 2nd Floor, Milwaukee
Come learn how to sustain your energy and faith while having realistic expectations of yourself and abilities. Learn the strategies to pace yourself so you can maintain momentum. Explore where emotions come from, how long they last, and how we can control them better. Facilitator Julie Henszey is a member of the Citizen Action Healthcare for All Co-Op and a local expert in goal achievement, resilience, and influence. All are welcome, but RSVP priority will be given to Healthcare for All Co-op members. RSVP. Contact: Katie Dunn, 262-227-4212.
Sun Aug 6, 2017
Democracy Convention / Minneapolis, All day Wed Aug 2, 2017 - Sun Aug 6, 2017
University of Minnesota, 269 19th Ave. S, Minneapolis
See the listing on Wed Aug 2, 2017.
Mon Aug 7, 2017
Drinking Liberally Waukesha , 9pm
Clarke Irish Pub, 314 W. Main St., Waukesha
More information.
Drinking Liberally Waukesha, 9pm
Clarke Irish Pub, 314 W. Main St., Waukesha
Peggy Rozsa, a leader in the Fair Housing movement of 1967 and widow of famed civil right leader Father Groppi will be speaking.
Tue Aug 8, 2017
Chasing Coral,
Eastside Library, 2320 N. Cramer St, Milwaukee
Learn about the coral reefs around the world that are vanishing as anunprecedented rate. This film is the result of 650+ hours underwater from a team of divers, photographers and scientists, plus submission of footage from volunteers from 30 countries, and support from more than 500 people from various locations around the world. This documentary will make us all aware of the beauty and devastation of a critical eco-system.
Drinking Liberally MKE,
Riverwest Public House Co-op, 815 E. Locust St., Milwaukee
Now, more than ever, Drinking Liberally is a space to gather, support each other, and form the progressive community we're going to need to get through the next four years. Come share a pint with your fellow progressives! Drinking Liberally MKE meets on the second Tuesday of every month, hosted by Matt Filipowicz.
350 Milwaukee Meeting, 7pm -
Urban Ecology Center, 1500 E. Park Pl., Milwaukee
350.ORG is the global organization building a grassroots movement in188countries to address global warming and solve the climate crisis. 350 Milwaukee meets every month on the second Tuesday. More information.
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