Too Bad It’s Not a Picnic – but for the next best thing…

Tune in on September 13th at 4:30 to Meet Our Candidates

(The waiting room will open at 4:15)

Grassroots North Shore’s annual picnic will return, but not this year. Instead we offer a virtual event to introduce to you Wisconsin’s future legislators, running against entrenched Republicans who ignore the needs and desires of their constituents.

Featured candidates include: Deb Andraca, who is running against Jim Ott in Assembly District 23; Emily Siegrist, running against  Dan Knodl in Assembly District 24; Neal Plotkin, running against State Senator Alberta Darling in State Senate District 8; and Dora Drake, running for the 11th Assembly District seat. Each candidate will give a short presentation followed by a 10-minute Q&A with moderator Edgar Lin.

Once you RSVP, you'll receive information about joining the virtual event.


September 13, 2020 at 4:30pm - 6pm
Virtual Event
Shirley Horowitz
M Chambers Joyce Peterson Ashleigh Perry Dora Drake Janice Waisman Judy Dollhausen Jeanne Linnemanstons Dennis Falck Gary Kavalar Peg Duehring Wendy Blumenthal Mitch Pincus Beth Lueck Neal Plotkin Michael Drew Michelle LaMattina Mullen Martha Pincus Beverly Kingma Mary Lynn Robinson Robin Benedon Marvin Tick Jill Goldstein Laura Herzog Linda Sandersen Mark Gennis Carol Howard Kathleen Kean Jennifer Hoffman-Jonas Walt Pesch Israel Ramón Jay Saunders Thomas Bennett Theresa Liu Diane France Keith Schmitz Pam Kriger Terry Schwartz Deborah Patel Alice Kieren Jackie Boynton Michelle Waide Mary Mueller Janet DeCoopman Donna Recht Kristen Weisman Cynthia Graham Janice Bernstein Leslie J Davis

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