The Annual Picnic

picnicPotluck.jpgMARK YOUR CALENDAR – the Annual Grassroots North Shore Picnic Sunday, September 18th – We’ll be looking for you!

Doors will open at 4:00pm, food will be served at 5:00pm, and speakers (2016 election candidates) will begin at 5:30pm. (We promise you'll be home in time for the 7:30 Packers' game!)

This event is FREE and open to the public. 

WHERE: Cahill Park, Whitefish Bay, at E. Fairmount Ave. and N. Marlborough Drive across from Whitefish Bay High School

Volunteers at Grassroots North Shore will provide pulled chicken and pork as well as soft drinks and picnic supplies. Friends and members will share their favorite sides and desserts – don’t miss out.

If your last name begins with A - L, please bring a dessert to share. Those with names beginning with M - Z, please bring a side dish.

September 18, 2016 at 4:00pm - 7pm
Cahill Park
1000 E Fairmont Ave
Whitefish Bay, WI 53217
United States
Google map and directions
Shirley Horowitz ·
Linda Gale Sampson Arkesia Jackson Missy Ugland Bob Kuhn Sarah Lloyd Gary Goyke Beth Lueck Beth Clark Gregg Beth Gregg Annie Masters Peg Duehring Peter Slaby Marsha McQuillan Brian Long Liza Forseth Joe Messinger Linea Sundstrom Ann Griffin Norma Gilson Kathleen Michel Naomi Soifer Jerry and Alice Voigt Anne and Rod Dow Peter Mischke Bruce Brewer Cathy Wanzo James Benefiel Tom Heppe Karen Dean Kate Williams Terry Schwartz Lois Malawsky Kashoua Yang Shirley Horowitz Maria Dorsey Sheila Johnson Kathleen Golden Garren Randolph Scott Wales Joan Grosz Stuart Moulthrop Anna Dvorak Austin Jacob Kieler Ginny/Virginia Goode Eilene Stevens Sarah Spencer Marla Stephens Jenny Fisher

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