Action 1: Join our Rapid Response Team.
Help us build a rapid response team. A set of survey questions will ask whether you are willing to
- join a phone tree,
- attend a quickly organized demonstration,
- write a letter to the editor,
- be a voter advocate,
- make calls or knock on doors,
- and several other options.
Click on the "Yes" box for each option you feel you can participate in or the "No" box if an option isn't right for you. And then click "Next" for another option.
Action 2: Work for Fair Wisconsin Elections: Slay the Gerrymander.
If we want the court-ordered redistricting process to end partisan gerrymandering in Wisconsin, we will have to orchestrate a public outcry about the secretive and hyper-partisan way district lines were drawn in 2011 (the map the court found to be unconstitutional).
Learn more about the issues on our Slay the Gerrymander page and then sign up to work to end partisan gerrymandering in Wisconsin NOW.