Help Grassroots North Shore find people to canvass out of our Brown Deer office on November 2, as we celebrate (and make as much hay as we can) One Year to Win Weekend of Action! This will be the biggest weekend of 2019! As the late, great Vince Lombardi famously said: "Winning isn't everything. It's the ONLY thing!" And to win, we have to organize NOW to turn out every vote a year from now.
We will be recruiting from lists of people who have canvassed with us in past elections as well as from lists of potential new canvassers. It's a great is a great time for our volunteer recruitment phone bank.
With Republican groups like AMERICANS FOR PROSPERITY are already out canvassing, we cannot afford to be out-done. One Year to Win Weekend of Action is a crucial opportunity to get out on the doors & talk to voters about why Democrats care about them. Let's keep Wisconsin blue in 2020.
5600 W Brown Deer Rd
Suite 116
Brown Deer, WI 53223
United States
Google map and directions
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