What You Need to Know to Stay Healthy

Sunday, November 22, 2020, 7:30 PM             WITH IAN GILSON, MD, FACP


The truth might be a bitter pill, but it can help keep you healthy.

Dr. Gilson, a general internist practicing primary care, who has had extensive experience in AIDS education.   Dr. Gilson is a  member of the American College of Physicians Wisconsin chapter Health and Public Policy Committee who has been providing telemedicine for his patients, including those who have contracted COVID – 19.

Dr. Gilson will provide us with a short guide to the

  • science
  • Statistics
  • Cases and transmission of the disease

With details on

  • prevention
  • symptoms and testing
  • treatments
  • vaccines
  • assessing personal risk

You can review a Risk Assessment document the Wisconsin Medical Association has created.

You can also send Dr. Gilson a question before the presentation. To be included in the program, your question must be received by 6pm on Friday, November 20.

November 22, 2020 at 7:30pm - 9pm
Walter Wilson Steve Brachman Patti Keating Kahn David Schneider Susan Blake Miriam Oliensis-Torres Phyllis Brostoff John Sandberg Alan Brostoff Wendy Blumenthal Carol Ross Bill Christofferson Judy Dollhausen Andy Andre Jean Gurney Eva Eiseman Barbara Nathanson Kathleen Michel Joey Walsh Susan Yale Jill Goldstein Cynthia Graham Kristina Paris chris christie Sidney Herszenson Ginny/Virginia Goode Reyna Morales Martha Pincus Beth Eisendrath Nyama Reed Tom Heppe Debbie Zemel Debra Kraft Walt Pesch Gus and Joanne Ricca Sally Carlson Dena Abramowitz Cheryl Maranto David Rasmussen Susan Roth Joan Hollingsworth Ian Gilson Terry Schwartz Caren Goldberg Shirley Horowitz Dean Sperry Nancy Kaplan Eilene Stevens

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