Fair Maps Team meeting

The February meeting is ready for you to sign up to attend. The email confirmation you will receive will contain the zoom link.

February 08, 2021 at 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Deborah Patel ·
Gale Shelton Mark Unak Sally Carlson Kathleen Blake Catherine Moore Bernie Booth Kathleen Kean Elizabeth Lentini Joanne Grunau Ray Zielke Donna Recht Caren Goldberg Sarah Freeman Peter McAvoy Mike Friedman Jane Earle Andy Andre Rod DePue Barbara Joseph Ann Ingham Keith Schmitz Jackie Boynton Mike Apfeld Caryn Melton Lynn Carey Rosalie Valenti Marianne Lubar Margaret Mahaffey Pam Kriger Mark Gennis Alice Read Christy Brooks Nancy Camden Lloyd Dickinson Lisa Williams Kathleen Rivera Stacey Meyer Marvin Tick Nancy Kaplan Deborah Patel Kathleen Michel

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