Useful things to do right now.

Labor Day looms and the end of summer is nigh. The events list continues to be sparse even though my inbox is filled to overflowing with candidates soliciting donations. So summer may be slow, but campaigning is forever fast and furious! Grassroots North Shore continues its steady pace of events, though. And here's one you really should not miss.

GRASSROOTS NORTH SHORE EVENT: Our program on SEPTEMBER 19th is now virtual, but still features great speakers. As many of you already know, we have changed our September 19th event to an online one to respond to recent concerns about the rise in Covid cases. From 3:00-4:45 we will gather to hear from legislators and experts and activists to explore why Wisconsin has not been able to pass sensible gun legislation — despite widespread support for it. One featured speaker will be Liz Miller of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, a National Grassroots Organization working to decrease gun violence. Find out how to advocate for safer and stronger gun laws that will keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. Learn about safe gun storage through their BeSmart program. Our follow-up email after the event will tell you how to make contact with the North Shore Milwaukee branch, which works with groups from the City of Milwaukee and other surrounding areas to increase awareness of the public health crisis of gun violence. To sign up for this event, RSVP HERE.

We're at an inflection point with GERRYMANDERING in Wisconsin as the legislature begins the process of drawing new electoral maps that will govern electoral districts for the state legislature and our Congressional Districts for the next decade. We heavily criticized the Republicans who drew the last set of maps in secret. Now's our chance to bring a little sunshine to bear on the process. We urge you to participate in the redistricting process by contributing to the Web portal the legislature has set up for just such a purpose. You can draw a map for your "community of interest," you can draw a full Wisconsin Legislative or Congressional District plan, or you can draw one or more districts in a given region of Wisconsin. The portal opens on September 1 and will accept submissions until mid-October. And it offers three FREE web-based technologies you can use to make your map.

There may not be an imminent election in Wisconsin, but there's a critical one looming in California. ACTIVATE AMERICA needs phone bankers to help Governor Newsom defeat a recall election. Here's their pitch:

The election is 15 days away, and 16% of ballots have already been returned. Of those, 54% are Democratic voters, 24% are Republican voters, and 22% are Independent voters. That’s a great sign, but all the experts warn that we’re likely to see a Red Tide by Election Day, with Republicans conditioned by Drumpf to distrust voting by mail walking their ballots into voter centers. Complacency is our enemy.

"We’re asking volunteers from around the country to devote a few hours to saving California from falling into the hands of a Drumpf Republican. Sign up for a phone banking shift (or two or three) and help get our voters to mail in their ballots NOW, so that we have fewer targets we need to contact as we get closer to election day. Don’t have time? Consider a donation to help support this effort.

In an interesting confluence of redistricting and the pandemic issues, there's a pointer to a research project at ELECTION LAW BLOG that explains why "NY Lost One Seat in Congress Due to Covid-Related Deaths".

That’s the conclusion of this new article by Bernie Grofman and Jonathan Cervas. From the abstract:

"It is well understood that even small differences in population can have a disproportionate impact on representation in the U.S. House of Representatives after a decennial census because of the peculiarities of rounding rules that require integer allocations. While the COVID-19 pandemic can be held responsible for accelerating the trend toward the increased use of mail-in balloting, and it affected the ability of the census to collect in-person information, here we call attention to an unanticipated effect of the pandemic on the electoral process that, as far as we are aware, has never previously been identified. By rerunning the apportionment numbers for all states under the assumption that deaths from COVID-19 prior to the start of the Census had not occurred, we show that New York’s congressional delegation would not have lost a seat. New York was the only state whose House seat allocation was affected by disproportionate COVID-19 deaths."

Finally, a Daily Kos diary picks up a disturbing article about ANTI-VAXXERS who SHUT DOWN MOBILE VACCINE CLINIC IN GEORGIA:

These clowns have now transitioned to vaccination obstruction. Not just mere anti-vax advocacy, not just their own personal ranting festival on Facebook. Obstruction.... This behavior from anti-vaxxers now threatens to cost lives from Covid. Such mobile clinics reach disadvantaged communities that may not be able to easily access a life saving vaccine, and thanks to 'social media', organizing to harass, intimidate, and threaten has never been easier.

For those who are celebrating the Jewish New Year next week: L'Shona Tovah.


Tue Aug 31, 2021

Reflections on Afghan War, 5:30pm - 6:30pm
Lincoln Memorial Dr & Lafayette Hill Rd., Milwaukee

Hold peace flags and signs from 5:30 to 6 PM. From 6 to 6:30PM, peace activists will share their thoughts in brief statements.Speakers include members of Peace Action WI, Vets for Peace, The National Lawyers Guild, and others. More information.

Wed Sep 1, 2021

Drinking Liberally Waukesha, 6:30pm - 9pm
The Tap Yard, 1150 W. Sunset Drive, Waukesha

Drinking Liberally Waukesha has a new day, new location, and new host. More information.

Info: Laughing Liberally MKE, 8:30pm - 9:30pm

For information on the latest Laughing Liberally offerings go here.

Sat Sep 4, 2021

Stand for Peace, 12pm - 1pm
Silver Spring Drive & Lake Drive

Stand for Peace has resumed in-person events with masks and social distancing. Check for more information. Organized by Peace Action Wisconsin.

Wed Sep 8, 2021

Grass Roots South Shore Virtual Meeting, 7pm - 9pm

Check the link to see if Grass Roots South Shore will have a virtual meeting. More information or call Jim Balk, 414-218-5944.

Thu Sep 9, 2021

Suspended: Drinking Liberally West Allis, 6:30pm - 9pm

For information on whether the event will take place, check here.

Sat Sep 11, 2021

Crisis in Cameroon, 10am - 12pm

The United Nations Association of Greater Milwaukee will present a program about genocide happening presently in Cameroon. More information.

Stand for Peace, 12pm - 1pm

Stand for Peace has resumed in-person events with masks and social distancing. Check for more information. Organized by Peace Action Wisconsin.

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