I think we're in the dreaded doldrums! Nothing good seems to be happening: the reconciliation bill — aka the Build Back Better bill — seems perpetually stuck; the non-Fox-like-media seems unable to quit the narrative that Dems are in disarray; and the "fraudit" parade here — with former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Gableman pretending to be in charge — is bumbling along, maybe with legitimate subpoenas, or maybe not. See "'Shut this fake investigation down': Attorney general slams GOP election review, calls subpoenas unlawful" in today's Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Online for the complete and confusing back-and-forth. And wait for something to happen, I guess.
We do have some tiny green shoots coming up though. This morning, Representative Adam Schiff (a member of both the House Intelligence Committee and the House Jan. 6 Select Committee) signaled that the Select Committee is being quite serious about the subpoenas the committee has already issued to Steve Bannon, Mark Meadows, Kash Patel, and Dan Scovino. "Those who don't cooperate with our committee are going to be the subject of criminal contempt" (Talking Points Memo, 10/12/2021). And the Washington Post reports that "A record number of workers are quitting their jobs, empowered by new leverage" (Washington Post, Oct. 12, 2021). The rate at which people are voluntarily quitting jobs is quite high and reflects "the options workers have in the current economic market, with job openings outnumbering unemployed workers and people reevaluating what they want to do," Nick Bunker, economist at Indeed, is quoted as saying.
Here's another, possible, green shoot: according to the Atlanta Journal Constitution, as quoted in Rick Hasen's Election Law Blog post, "Will Georgia voting laws reduce turnout? Maybe not, studies show." The AJC article asserts that "a body of research on voting rules such as those in Georgia doesn’t support the narrative that turnout will decline significantly because of the law." It does not, however, link to any of the research it purports to cite, at least not in the part Hasen quotes. So, more than a grain of salt needs to accompany consumption of this article. Plus, the voting changes are simply onerous and should definitely be contested.
In not so chipper news, COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations continue to rise in Wisconsin (JSOnline, Oct. 11, 2021), even though the overall US numbers are declining (Washington Post, Oct. 12, 2021). Dr. Ian Gilson will be updating Grassroots North Shore supporters — and anyone else you'd like to invite — to an update on the pandemic, on Monday, October 25, at 7pm on Zoom. The link will be sent to you when you register. Don't wait to sign up!
Tue Oct 12, 2021
Become a Poll Worker-Training, 5:30pm - 6pm
Support your community and become a Poll Worker in 2022! Working the polls and helping your neighbors cast their ballots is the most direct way you can support voting rights in your community. Join our 30-minute Info Session to learn more about being a Poll Worker and how you can get involved for 2022! You must be a Wisconsin resident to be a poll worker and you only need to attend one Info Session. REGISTER HERE.
Earnell Lucas Mayoral Kickoff, 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Milwaukee Public Market (2nd Floor), 400 N. Water Street, Milwaukee
Sheriff Earnell Lucas will begin his campaign for Mayor of Milwaukee at this kickoff. Additional information about the event will be forthcoming. More information.
Drinking Liberally MKE, 6pm - 8pm
Estabrook Beer Garden, 4600 Estabrook Drive, Milwaukee
Drinking Liberally MKE will now be getting together in person on the second Tuesday of the month. (It will move to a virtual meeting if the temperature is forecast to be below 50 degrees or heavy rain is in the forecast.) To get to the Estabrook Beer Garden parking lot, enter from the north, on Hampton Ave. More information.
350 Milwaukee Virtual Meeting, 7pm - 8:30pm
350 Milwaukee is part of the global organization building a grassroots movement in 188 countries to address global warming and solve the climate crisis. 350 Milwaukee usually meets every month on the second Tuesday. Check the following link for information on whether a meeting will occur. More information.
Wed Oct 13, 2021
Lessons from the Pandemic, 1pm - 2pm
Join WisPolitics.com for a discussion on "Lessons from the Ongoing Pandemic" with top health care leaders in Wisconsin. Registration.
Grass Roots South Shore Virtual Meeting, 7pm - 9pm
Check the link to see if Grass Roots South Shore will have a virtual meeting. More information or call Jim Balk, 414-218-5944.
Thu Oct 14, 2021
Water Policy in the Chicago Megacity, 9am - 12pm
Discussion with a focus on the past, present, and future of water policy in the “Chicago Megacity”—the region stretching from the Milwaukee area, across metropolitan Chicago, and into northwest Indiana. More information and registration.
Suspended: Drinking Liberally West Allis, 6:30pm - 9pm
For information on whether the event will take place, check here.
Sat Oct 16, 2021
Stand for Peace, 12pm - 1pm
51st Street & Silver Spring Drive, Milwaukee
Stand for Peace has resumed in-person events with masks and social distancing. Check for more information. Organized by Peace Action Wisconsin.
Mon Oct 18, 2021
Milwaukee Dems Meeting, 6pm - 8pm
Milwaukee County Democrats meet monthly to discuss party business, hear speakers on current topics, pass resolutions, and network with other progressives. All interested Democrats are invited. Information about how to access the meeting will be sent after RSVP.
Tue Oct 19, 2021
Become a Poll Worker-Training, 5:30pm - 6pm
Support your community and become a Poll Worker in 2022! Working the polls and helping your neighbors cast their ballots is the most direct way you can support voting rights in your community. Join our 30-minute Info Session to learn more about being a Poll Worker and how you can get involved for 2022! You must be a Wisconsin resident to be a poll worker and you only need to attend one Info Session. REGISTER HERE.
Wed Oct 20, 2021
Suspended: Southwest Region Dems Meeting, 7pm - 7pm
Southwest Dems (Region 5) cover Franklin, Greendale, Greenfield, Hales Corners, Milwaukee (Southwest), West Allis, West Milwaukee. For information on when a meeting may be held check here or contact [email protected].
Fri Oct 22, 2021
Fund Dinner, 5:30pm - 8:30pm NAACP Freedom
Wisconsin Center District, 400 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee
Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison will be the guest of honor at the annual Freedom Fund Dinner. Reception 5:00pm, dinner 6:00pm. More information and tickets.
Sat Oct 23, 2021
Stand for Peace, 12pm - 1pm
Stand for Peace has resumed in-person events with masks and social distancing. Check for more information. Organized by Peace Action Wisconsin.
Mon Oct 25, 2021
Update on Covid-19 Virus, 7pm - 8pm
Dr. Ian Gilson will give an update on the current Covid-19 crisis. The program will cover variants, breakthrough infections, the latest treatments, mask effectiveness, rapid testing and its importance, travel guidelines, and more. He will take questions from viewers after the presentation. Presented by Grassroots North Shore. Register.
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