Keep up to date on issues that need to see the light of day within your community.
When you contact a GRNS representative (see list below) about a candidate or issue, we can find out more and try to alert our membership in your village/city/town.
This is not intended to repeat smears or hearsay about candidates, but to make sure that community elections or board votes cannot be commandeered by a small group of people without anyone really knowing about it until it happens. Here are a few examples:
(1) Whitefish Bay School Board Tax Levy where emails were sent to round up people to vote "no" to the levy as leverage against books they did not approve of in the school library - we were able to alert residents and get a good showing to support the levy;
(2) The Mequon-Thiensville School Board recall, where we helped disseminate information about candidates;
(3) Current primary for Supervisor in District 1, in which one of the candidates has made unsubstantiated accusations against the incumbent and has also revealed right-wing positions. We have been able to let people know where he stands.
Community Volunteer email
Bayside Eilene Stevens [email protected]
Brown Deer Emily Siegrist [email protected]
Fox Point Shirley Horowitz [email protected]
Glendale Linda Deskalo [email protected]
Mequon Kath Michel [email protected]
Shorewood Kathy Kean [email protected]
Whitefish Bay Shirley Horowitz [email protected]

Resources from Barbara Miner and Bob Peterson

Websites: by The Center for Media and Democracy Focuses on Koch and the attacks on higher education and K-12. See their recent report

“Koch Funded Moral Panic: Ultra Right Think Tanks and Critical Race Theory,”


Lessons from the Heartland: A Turbulent Half-century of Public Education in an Iconic American City, by Barbara Miner, New Press, 2012

 A Wolf at the Schoolhouse Door: The Dismantling of Public Education and the Future of School, by Jack Schneider and Jennifer Berkshire, New Press, 2020

 Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right’s  Stealth Plan for America, Nancy MacLean, Viking 2017.

 The Privatization of Everything: How the Plunder of Public Goods Transformed American and How We Can Fight Back, by Donald Cohen and Allen Mikaelian, New Press, 2021.


A recent New Yorker article, “The Big Money Behind the Big Lie” 

New York Times opinion, The Real Roots of the Debate Over Schools During Covid, by Tressie McMillan Cottom.

Link to video of the event.

Remember to vote on Feb.15; see our Endorsement of Liz Sumner for District 1 Supervisor