Anger begets ORGANIZING!

Aside from the continuing coverage of Cassidy Hutchinson's explosive testimony to the January 6 Select Committee  last week (highlights), the news has been a little light ahead of the July 4 holiday. Except of course that Highland Park, Illinois, held a 4th of July parade that was disrupted by a mass shooting, one that has killed at least six people and seriously wounded at least 24. A suspect has been detained but not yet indicted. Three other mass shooting events had already taken place in Illinois since last Friday. There have been several more across the country. We can't say that these latest atrocities stem from the recent US Supreme Court ruling that authorizes virtually anyone to carry a loaded firearm anywhere, but the ruling doesn't help quell such violence either.

There's plenty to sigh and roll your eyes about in Wisconsin, but the latest ruling from our Wisconsin Supreme Court deserves a special shoutout. The conservatives ruled that Frederick Prehn could remain on the Department of Natural Resources Board even though his term expired more than a year ago. Prehn claimed that he could remain until the Wisconsin Senate confirmed his replacement — which they are refusing to do for an Evers's appointment. The Republicans seem to be following the Mitch McConnell playbook — refusing to seat President Obama's nominee for the Supreme Court but then rushing through The Former Guy's (TFG's). In his Milwaukee Urban editorial on the subject, Matt Rothschild, Executive Director of the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, explains how the State Supreme Court ruling reinforces gerrymandering.

And in case you missed it, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel informs us that the Gableman "investigation" has lasted a year, has cost taxpayers $1 million, and has turned up NOTHING. Here's what the July 2, 2022, report offered:

"[S]ince Vos announced his hire of former Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman to probe the 2020 election completely and Assembly Republicans' intent to pass bills based on Gableman's findings, the review has failed to accomplish those goals.

Lawmakers did not receive any recommendations from Gableman before wrapping up their work for the year. And the review has turned up little information not previously known, and has not found evidence showing the 2020 election outcome was incorrectly called."

In a delicious irony, the TFG is going after other grifters, the Washington Post reports. It seems he disapproves of other people using deceptive email and advertising to raise funds using his name and/or image. "While being known for his own false and misleading emails, Trump faces armies of unaffiliated fundraisers who ape his message and sometimes threaten Republicans in Trump’s name," reads the subhead. The article provides juicy examples of his own deceptions. I'm especially fond of this one: "In one small example on Friday, a text message to Trump’s fundraising list began, 'LIVE FROM MAR-A-LAGO! Pres Trump: It’s me, your FAVORITE President.' But Trump is not at Mar-a-Lago, having moved for the summer to his golf club in Bedminster, N.J." There are lots of giggle-filled moments in the piece but one seriously important one: "The problem has become more acute in recent months as small-dollar donations to Republican Party efforts have fallen, a trend strategists blame both on donors having less disposable income because of inflation and on their fatigue with the relentless fundraising appeals." Enjoy.

Let me end with important ACTION ITEMS.

On Friday, July 15, we're holding a brief training in how to use an online tool — MiniVAN — to aid in voter contact. You can download the app either from the Apple Store or from Google Play, depending on what kind of tablet or smart phone you have. The training will take place in Cheryl Maranto's back yard. To get the exact address, sign up to attend.

We need people to make phone calls to follow up on the 3300 postcards we've already sent to strong Democratic women in Ozaukee County. These are easy, friendly calls to make. And if no one answers, we can often leave a voicemail and/or send a text message to a cell phone. These calls aim to encourage people to vote. Please reach deep and sign up!

Voter protection, as I noted last week, is more important than ever as GOP interference with elections threatens to ramp up. You can help by filling out a general interest form for becoming a poll observer. You should also check out upcoming Voter Protection events. The Voter Protection Team is hosting three events in the next few days:

For those of you planning to contact voters by phone or in person, it's really worth your while to attend one of the Research Collaborative Briefings online, Wednesdays, 2pm CDT. Sign up to learn about evidence-based messaging!



Wednesday, July 6

Living Liberally Waukesha, 6:30 - 6:30pm

Living Liberally Waukesha will not meet in July.

Saturday, July 9

Weekend of action in Cedarburg for Dan Larson, 9:30am - 5:30pm
Fiddleheads Coffee Cedarburg, W62N605 Washington Ave, Cedarburg

We will be knocking doors across AD60 to talk to our neighbors about what issues matter most to them - and why it's so critical that we elect Tony Evers, Josh Kaul, Dan Larsen, and Dems up and down the ballot! Shifts from 9-noon, noon-3, and 3-5:30pm. Click here to sign up.

Stand for Peace, 12:00 – 1:00pm
LaFayette Hill and Lincoln Memorial Drive. Milwaukee

Stand for Peace has resumed in-person events with masks and social distancing. Check for more information. Organized by Peace Action Wisconsin.

Sunday, July 10

Weekend of action in Cedarburg for Dan Larson, 12:00pm - 6:00pm
Fiddleheads Coffee Cedarburg, W62N605 Washington Ave, Cedarburg

We will be knocking doors across AD60 to talk to our neighbors about what issues matter most to them - and why it's so critical that we elect Tony Evers, Josh Kaul, Dan Larsen, and Dems up and down the ballot! Shifts from noon-3:00pm and 3:00 - 6:00pm. Click here to sign up.

Monday, July 11

Democratic Founders Day, 5:00 - 5:00pm
Deer District, 333 W Juneau Ave, Ste B, Milwaukee

The Democratic Party of Wisconsin Founders Day Reception will take place on July 11 to celebrate and support Democrats running in November. Gov. Tony Evers will be present at this exciting event. Speakers will be announced soon. More information and ticket levels.

Grass Roots South Shore Meeting, 6:00 – 7:00pm
Cudahy Library, 3500 Library Drive, Cudahy or on Zoom

Grass Roots South Shore is planning to have a meeting both virtual and in person. More information.

Tuesday, July 12

Drinking Liberally MKE, 6:00 – 8:00pm
Estabrook Beer Garden, 4600 Estabrook Drive, Milwaukee

Drinking Liberally MKE will be outdoors!. More information.

350 Milwaukee Meeting, 7:00 – 8:30pm

The Milwaukee chapter of is part of an international movement of ordinary people working to end the age of fossil fuels and build a world of community-led renewable energy for all. Virtual meetings take place on the second Tuesday of the month. More information.

Saturday, July 16

Stand for Peace, 12:00 – 1:00pm
43rd Street & Forest Home, Milwaukee

Stand for Peace has resumed in-person events with masks and social distancing. Check for more information. Organized by Peace Action Wisconsin.

Sunday, July 17

DPOC Summer Jazz Concert w/ Ivy Ford, 1:00 – 4:00pm
Veteran's Park, Grafton

Ivy Ford heats up the stage with her amazing jazz band in Grafton’s Veteran’s Park. Join us! This is an event you WON’T want to miss.

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