Wow. Wow. WOW! Two outstanding pieces of news. First Don the Con has been convicted 34 times! Sentencing has been set for Thursday, July 11 at 10am ET. Of course that's relatively old news since the verdict was rendered on Thursday, May 30. What remains to be seen is what the conviction means to voters come November. Ditto what the sentence for these 34 crimes will be.
But before I get into the instant polling on these questions, I should relate the second spectacular news item: our Wisconsin Attorney General, Josh Kaul, has finally charged three people who were behind the fraudulent electors scheme here. Kaul filed felony forgery charges against Kenneth Chesebro, Jim Troupis, and Mike Roman (a former Benedict Donald aide). Here's the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel story.
These criminal charges flow from the lawsuit two Wisconsin Democrats filed in 2022 and settled in December 2023. In Takeaways from the Wisconsin 2020 fake electors lawsuit settlement (AP, March 4, 2024), Corey Williams and Sophia Tareen write "The settlement lays bare the orchestrated plan to keep Trump in office by creating paperwork and pulling together false slates of Republican electors in Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Arizona and belatedly New Mexico." Neither Chesebro nor Troupis admitted to any wrongdoing or liability, unlike the 10 false electors in Wisconsin. Nevertheless, they turned over "more that 1400 pages of emails, text messages and other documents." The documents reveal that the entire false electors conspiracy had its origins in Wisconsin. And by the way, one of the people who signed the fake ballots, Robert Spindell, sits on the Wisconsin Elections Commission.
Back to the Cheeto Benito convictions. Steve Benen, who writes the Maddow Blog, surveys four polls — ABC News/Ipsos, Reuters, Morning Consult, and CBS News/YouGov — taken after the verdict was announced. Three of the four polls reported more than 50% of voters thought the verdict was the right judgment. The CBS News/You Gov was the most favorable to Democrats. Its results showed that 54% agreed that the trial was fair, 57% agreed with the verdict, and 51% consider the convicted felon unfit to be president.
The damage so far: In 2023 two Trump Organization companies were found "guilty on multiple charges of criminal tax fraud and falsifying business records connected to a 15-year scheme to defraud tax authorities" by disguising taxable expenses as deductible business expenses (CNN Politics, December 7, 2023). The man himself has been found to have committed sexual assault (i.e. rape) and of defamation, TWICE. He owes E. Jean Carroll almost $90 million in compensation and punitive damages. The civil case New York v. Trump found The Big Lie-bowski "and his family businesses of overstating his net worth by as much $3.6 billion a year over a decade to fool bankers into giving him better loan terms" (Reuters, February 17, 2024). Plus the four criminal cases, one that has found him guilty of 34 felonies.
Focusing on the election issues here at home, we really need to understand and DEFEAT the two ballot questions on the August 13 ballot. The first step is to understand what they mean.
- Ballot Question 1 reads: "Delegation of appropriation power. Shall section 35 (1) of article IV of the constitution be created to provide that the legislature may not delegate its sole power to determine how moneys shall be appropriated?
- Ballot Question 2 reads: "Allocation of federal moneys. Shall section 35 (2) of article IV of the constitution be created to prohibit the governor from allocating any federal moneys the governor accepts on behalf of the state without the approval of the legislature by joint resolution or as provided by legislative rule?"
Question 2 is pretty easy to understand. Currently by statute the governor has the authority to allocate federal funds that flow to our state. The proposed constitutional amendment would nullify the statute and place the power in the hands of the legislature. As a result, it strips authority from the official who has been elected by ALL the voters of Wisconsin and gives it to the legislators, each one of whom is elected by district, making the whole Senate and the whole Assembly much harder to hold accountable through elections. In other words, this proposed amendment would enact another way for the legislature to undermine the governor's ability to allocate federal dollars swiftly during an emergency — a natural disaster, an economic crisis, or an urgent public health need, for example. The citizens of Wisconsin should vote NO on both questions. We do not need more red tape and endless gridlock when disasters strike.
Question 1 is more difficult to understand. Its legislative history creates some of the confusion. When the state Senate passed the proposed amendment, it read "Section 35 (1) The legislature may not delegate its sole power to determine how federal moneys shall be expended." The Assembly changed the language to read "[Article IV] Section 35 (1) The legislature may not delegate its sole power to determine how moneys shall be appropriated." By removing the word "federal," the proposed amendment appears to mean that every penny of the state's funds, both those raised from state taxes and those from federal sources, would be subject to legislative approval. Really? Does it mean that an agency would have to go to the legislature every time it needs to buy paper clips? Under this wording, it could!
The League of Women Voters has published a Toolkit to help voters understand the issues and to advocate voting NO on both questions. It also provides five major reasons to vote NO on both questions in a handout anyone can print and distribute.
- Download and read the League of Women Voters Toolkit;
- Download the handout and print it, double-sided if you can;
- Distribute the handout to your family, your friends, your neighbors and have a conversation about what the proposed amendments would do to undermine our government's ability to get things done.
- Email 10 people you know, attaching the handout, and ask them to email at least 10 more people to spread the word.
Sign up for a canvass shift on June 8, from the staging location in Glendale: 6563 N Crestwood Dr. Or sign up to canvass or to recruit new volunteers on June 9, from the staging location 3271 N Newhall St.
Support Jodi Habush Sinykin at her fundraiser on June 12 from 5:00 to 7:00pm. Remember Early Money Is Like Yeast: It Makes the Dough Rise!
I'll end with Simon Rosenberg's tag line: "Do More, Worry Less." When translated by Debbie Patel, co-chair of Grassroots North Shore, it becomes this: "You can't roll up your sleeves if you're wringing your hands."
Thursday, June 6
Dana Glasstein Campaign Launch, 5:00 - 7:00pm
Art of Joy, W63N664 Washington Ave, Cedarburg
If you live in Cedarburg, Grafton, NW Mequon, or Port Washington – then you want to help elect Dana Glasstein to represent you in the “New AD 22”. Sign up. And donate if you can.
Friday, June 7
Dancing for Democracy, Doors at 6:00pm, Music at 7:00pm
Potawatomi Hotel & Casino
The Democratic Party of Milwaukee County presents Dancing for Democracy with the music of Milwaukee's own Superfly. Enjoy the music and help support the Milwaukee Dems. Tickets are $25. Buy them here.
Wear Orange Milwaukee/National Gun Violence Prevention Weekend: Candlelight Vigil, 6:00pm
Safe and Sound, 4422 W Leon Terrace, Milwuakee
Join with WAVE, Safe and Sound, Brady, Moms Demand Action, Milwaukee’s Office of Community Wellness and Safety, and others to support survivors and speak out against gun violence. This year’s events will include a candlelight vigil to honor and remember loved ones taken by gun violence, and a press conference and peace walk to raise awareness and build our community of survivors and advocates.
Saturday, June 8
Wear Orange Milwaukee/National Gun Violence Prevention Weekend: Peace Walk and Press Conference, 10:00am
Safe and Sound, 4422 W Leon Terrace, Milwuakee
Press conference at 10:00 a.m. — Safe Summer pledge signing at 11:00 a.m. — Peace walk at noon.
Glendale Canvass, 12:00 - 3:00pm
6563 N Crestwood Dr, Glendale
Every person counts in this election and we are looking to expand our volunteer base and identify newly registered Democrats so that we can win in November. We are going to be recruiting new volunteers at the doors by speaking with strong democrats. We will also have the chance to have some persuasion conversations with persuadable voters. We need you! Sign up.
Sunday, June 9
Lakefront Canvass, 9:00 - 12:00pm
3271 N Newhall St, Milwaukee
Come help us recruit new volunteers! Every person counts and we win the election by getting out early to build our network of supporters. We will also engage undecided voters to help persuade them. We need you! 2 hours can make the difference in this election. Sign up.
Recruit Volunteers, 12:00 - 3:00pm
3271 N Newhall St, Milwaukee
Come help us recruit new volunteers! Every person counts and we win the election by getting out early to build our network of supporters. We will also engage undecided voters to help persuade them. We need you! 2 hours can make the difference in this election. Sign up.
Tuesday, June 11
Deb Andraca Campaign Kickoff, 5:30 - 7:00pm
Fox Point
Join State Representative Deb Andraca for her Campaign Kick Off with Minority Leader Greta Neubauer, hosted by Bonnie and Leon Joseph. For questions and to RSVP, email [email protected]. You can RSVP and donate online.
Wednesday, June 12
Fundraiser for Jodi Habush Sinykin, 5:00 - 7:00pm
Whitefish Bay
Please join us for a fundraiser in support of Jodi Habush Sinykin. The event is hosted by Kathie Spencer, Mike Fabishak, Jackie Boynton, and Peter McAvoy. Sponsorship levels: Champion - $2000 | Advocate - $1000 | Sponsor - $500 | Friend - $250 | Supporter - $100 | Guest - $50. All contributions appreciated. Please make checks payable to Jodi for State Senate, PO Box 170843, Miwaukee, WI 53217. Or donate online. Exact address upon sign-up.
Thursday, June 13
Voter Protection 101 Training, 5:00 - 6:30pm
Join our Wisconsin Voter Protection 101 Training to learn about Wisconsin election law so you can help people exercise their right to vote. We'll cover election law basics, voter registration, and available resources, as well as how you can get involved protecting democracy in your community! Sign up.
Monday, June 17
Milwaukee Dems Monthly Meeting, 6:00pm
Milwaukee Labor Council, 633 S Hawley Rd, Milwaukee
Join us for our June Membership Meeting.
Wednesday, June 19
Oz Dems Monthly Meeting, 7:00 - 8:00pm
1930 Wisconsin Ave, Grafton
Join us at our monthly general meeting, the 3rd Wed of each month at 7 pm at our Grafton Office. Get caught up on the latest local politics while helping us elect people to office. Thanks to Fair Maps, we have an opportunity to elect people to the 22, 23, and 59 Assembly Districts as well as the 8th and 20th Senate Districts. Zoom links for the meeting are sent to paid DPOC members.
Thursday, June 20
Discussion with Author Dominic Erdozain,, 12:00pm
Join WAVE Educational Fund for an author discussion with Dominic Erdozain about his new book, One Nation Under Guns. Erdozain is a writer and historian with a passion for bringing the past into dialogue with the present. Erdozain has written widely on the intellectual origins of democracy and has published opinion pieces for CNN, placing America’s gun problem in a broader philosophical context. A graduate of Oxford and Cambridge, he is currently a visiting professor at Emory University. Register for free in advance to receive a link the day of the event.
A special event in support of Sara Rodriguez, 5:00 - 7:00pm
As the second largest and fastest-growing racial and ethnic group in Wisconsin’s electorate, Latino voters could be the difference between winning and losing – in national and statewide elections, and in competitive congressional and state legislative races under new fair maps. Join us in supporting Lt. Governor Sara Rodriguez’s initiatives to ensure voters know Democrats are delivering on the issues important to Latino families and turnout Latino voters for Democratic candidates in November. Address available upon RSVP.
Sunday, June 23
Stand for Women's Rights, noon - 1:30pm
Mequon & Port Washington Roads, Mequon
The 2nd Pro-Women's Rights Demonstration is June 23. Join "We Stand for Women's Rights," a grassroots group of people who want to amplify the message that women's rights are on the ballot this fall. Meet at Einstein Bagels in Mequon and walk to the corner of Mequon and Port Washington Roads. The first rally was a great success. We invite you to participate in the action. Sign up here.
Wednesday, June 26
WAVE: Annual Peace Through Music Benefit, 7:00pm
Linneman's Riverwest Inn, 1001 E Locust St, Milwaukee
John Lennon songs performed live by Sigmund Snopek, John Sieger, Electric Blu and more. Plus, there will be an amazing silent auction with items donated by local businesses like Adventure Rock, Irish Fest, Wy'east Pizza, Milwaukee Brewers, Green Bay Packers, Tosa Yoga Center, Lakefront Brewery, Milwaukee Film, Float Milwaukee, Schlitz Audubon Nature Center, Rocket Baby Bakery, Milwaukee County Parks, and so many others! The $10 cover charge at the event is a donation to benefit WAVE Educational Fund and the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. If you cannot attend you can still support our work at WAVE to prevent gun violence.
Thursday, June 27
Prepare yourself to help people register to vote!, 5:30 - 7:00pm
Location TBA
Prepare yourself to help people register to vote! Learn how to register people to vote using Learn what is acceptable photo ID for voting in Wisconsin and how to acquire it. Registration required. Questions? Please email [email protected]. My Vote Training Sign Up.
Saturday, June 29
Neighborhood Canvasses, 9:00am - 12:00pm, 12:00 - 3:00pm, 3:00 - 6:00pm
League Cafe, 10:00am - 12:00pm
Milwaukee Public Library East Branch Community Room
2320 N Cramer St Milwaukee
League Cafe meets monthly and welcomes League members old and new, as well as community members. In a small group setting, we get to know each other better, share knowledge and have interesting conversations. In rotating months, we meet as a general discussion group, and in opposite months, convene as a book club to discuss noteworthy books on racial equity, immigration and/or voting.
March in the Fun Before the Fourth Parade, 10:00am - 12:00pm
If you would like to march in the Thiensville parade, pleasefill out the form. Then, watch your email for more details as we get closer to the event. Get that OzDems Tshirt ready - and practice that wave - it'll be here before you know it! ** We will have professionally printed signs to folks to carry!
Sunday, June 30
Neighborhood Canvasses, 9:00am - 12:00pm, 12:00 - 3:00pm, 3:00 - 6:00pm
Thursday, July 4
March in the Cedarburg 4th of July Parade with Oz Dems, 9:30am - 11:30am
If you would like to march in the Cedarburg parade, pleasefill out the form. Then, watch your email for more details as we get closer to the event. Get that OzDems Tshirt ready - and practice that wave - it'll be here before you know it! ** We will have professionally printed signs to folks to carry!
other important links
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Milwaukee County Democratic Party |
Ozaukee County Democratic Party |
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