We begin with a run-down of critical dates for the special election in state Senate District 4 and the partisan primary this August.
If you live in Glendale, Shorewood, Assembly District 10 in Milwaukee, Assembly District 11, or Assembly District 12, you will have a special election in July. Here are key dates.
If you have already requested absentee ballots for all elections this year, your ballot for the primary should arrive in the next few days and you will also receive a ballot by mail for the July 30 election. If you have not already requested an absentee ballot, you may still do so for the next week at MyVote.WI.gov. After that date plan to vote early in person. Call your municipal clerk's office for specific days and times. | |
Glendale: 414-228-1718 | Shorewood: 414-847-2700 |
Primary — Early In-Person Voting | Tuesday, June 18 - Friday, June 21 Monday, June 24 - Friday, June 29 |
Primary Election Day | Tuesday, July 2 |
General Election — Early In-Person Voting | Tuesday, July 16 - Friday, July 19 Monday, July 22 - Friday, July 26 |
General Election Day | Tuesday, July 30 |
Two Democratic candidates — LaKeshia Myers and Dora Drake — are running in this Special Election to fill the remainder of the current term in state Senate District 4. Visit our Special Election page for information on the candidates. The winner of the July 2 Primary will appear on the ballot on August 30. Since no other political party is fielding candidates for this position, the Democratic candidate on the July 30 ballot will win the election and will serve as a state senator through December 2024.
The same two candidates will be on the August 13 Primary ballot. The winner of that primary will appear on the November 5 ballot for the four-year term that begins in January 2025.
On August 13, all of us will have a Primary Election. Visit our Election Page for a list of offices and candidates together with links to their social media and web sites. For the contested election between David Cullen and Ted Chisholm for Milwaukee County Treasurer, we will post their responses to our questionnaire when they become available.
The August 13 Primary looks like a snoozy affair, but there are two very pernicious ballot questions in addition to the candidates. Question 1 would assert "sole authority to appropriate funds" to the legislature, an authority it currently shares with the governor. Question 2 would prevent the governor from allocating federal funds he is currently authorized to distribute. Together, these two Ballot Questions (aka amendments to our Constitution) would bring state government to a halt when we most need it to act quickly and judiciously, for example when we have a natural disaster or face an imminent public health emergency. We urge you and everyone you know in Wisconsin to VOTE NO to defeat these initiatives. To be an informed voter on these questions, visit our page about the August 13 Ballot Questions. And spread the word: have converstations, email, or text with your neighbors, co-workers, family, and friends. And ask them to spread the word also.
Because the Primary Election is so important to the welfare of our state, and because a lot of people have planned various trips during our lovely summers, you probably need to PLAN YOUR VOTE, especially if you know you won't be home on Election Day, Tuesday, August 13. You can request an absentee ballot at MyVote.WI.gov. Absentee ballots are mailed approximately three weeks before an election. So if you know where you will be on the date you could reasonably expect your ballot to arrive, you should request one NOW! If you will be at home at some point during the Early In-Person Voting period — Tuesday, July 30, to Friday, August 2, and Monday, August 5, to Friday, August 9 — make a plan to vote during one of those days.
Let's turn now to some national news. At their Indianapolis Convention, the Southern Baptists voted today "to oppose the use of in vitro fertilization. The vote was an indication that ordinary evangelicals are increasingly open to arguments that equate embryos with human life, and that two years after the overturning of Roe v. Wade, 'fetal personhood' may be the next front for the anti-abortion movement" (New York Times, a gift article, June 12, 2024).
When those of us who fought for the right to bodily autonomy in the 1960s began in the 1990s to warn younger women that the right to choose was under threat both at the US Supreme Court (see Casey v Planned Parenthood) and in the growing number of TRAP (Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers) laws, we could not arouse enough concern about the constant effort to chip away at Roe v Wade. "Efforts to use clinic regulation [TRAP laws] to limit access to abortion, rather than to make its provision safer resurfaced in the 1990s and have gained steam since 2010" (Guttmacher, August 31, 2023). So abortion rights had long been under attack when the right to an abortion was overturned, seemingly abruptly, in the 2022 Dobbs v. Jackson decision.
The story of the right to an abortion and its slow undoing is a cautionary tale. Both infertility treatments and contraception are currently in the crosshairs of the theological fanatics we generally label as the Christian Right, even though there seems to be little about their views that could be called Christian. We still have no ruling from SCOTUS on Mifepristone or on whether states are required to allow emergency abortions when it is necessary to stabilize a patient. In fact, an AP article by Mark Sherman and Lindsay Whitehurst looked at the court's work and finds that "court heard 61 cases this term, and 29 remain unresolved." Theoretically the court has until the end of the month to render decisions on a range of cases that could upend the regulatory framework our nation has depended on for at least 40 years, grant presidential immunity which would place holders of that office above the law, and/or prevent the government from protecting domestic violence victims "by keeping guns away from the people alleged to have abused them," to name only three of the 29.
We definitely have some serious issues on our plates. But there's some good news also. In yesterday's Hopium Chronicles, Simon Rosenberg said, "As I wrote Sunday, it would not be surprising to see the race shift 2-3 points towards Biden after Trump’s dramatic 34 felony convictions. While some of the early post-verdict polling didn’t find the election moving that much, the last 4 national polls released have all found the race moving towards Biden." He cites a New York Times poll, a Yahoo/You Gov poll, one from CBS News/You Gov, and a Morning Consult poll. In three of the polls, Biden's numbers improved by 2 points since the verdict in the Trump election interference trial (I refuse to refer to it as a "hush money case"). In the fourth poll, Biden improved by 3 points. It may look small but this far out from the elections, the movement may well be significant. He goes on to say that "We also got some encouraging new polling of Latino voters from Voto Latino: 'In an allocated head-to-head matchup, Biden is leading Trump among swing state Latino voters by a robust 59% to 39%. This is within striking distance of Biden’s 2020 performance and shows no meaningful rise in Latino support for Trump, which contradicts the widespread narrative.'"
So worry less by doing more!
Unfortunately, I have to end this newsletter with a note of sadness. Jack Prater, who worked with Grassroots North Shore on our Steering Committee beginning in 2014 and later on our Advisory Committee, died on May 26. We leaned on Jack and his long and successful career as CEO for United Ways in Louisville, Milwaukee, and Chicago. And we missed him and his sage advice when he was no longer able to participate with us. A memorial reception will be held on Thursday, June 13 from 4:00- 6:00 pm at Shully’s ATS (143 Green Bay Rd, Thiensville WI 53092) with a brief service at 5:15 pm . All are invited to attend to celebrate his life and legacy. To honor Jack’s life memorial gifts can be sent to: United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County, Humane Society of Ozaukee County, or Bethany College (Bethany, WV). See the full obit.
Wednesday, June 12
Fundraiser for Jodi Habush Sinykin, 5:00 - 7:00pm
Whitefish Bay
Please join us for a fundraiser in support of Jodi Habush Sinykin. The event is hosted by Kathie Spencer, Mike Fabishak, Jackie Boynton, and Peter McAvoy. Sponsorship levels: Champion - $2000 | Advocate - $1000 | Sponsor - $500 | Friend - $250 | Supporter - $100 | Guest - $50. All contributions appreciated. Please make checks payable to Jodi for State Senate, PO Box 170843, Miwaukee, WI 53217. Or donate online. Exact address upon sign-up.
Thursday, June 13
Voter Protection 101 Training, 5:00 - 6:30pm
Join our Wisconsin Voter Protection 101 Training to learn about Wisconsin election law so you can help people exercise their right to vote. We'll cover election law basics, voter registration, and available resources, as well as how you can get involved protecting democracy in your community! Sign up.
Saturday, June 15
Meet & Greet with WILLIAM WALTER, AD24 Candidate, All Day
W148N10217 Windsong Cir E, Germantown
Bring your Germantown neighbors....AND your friends from Menomonee Falls as that is now a big part of the new district. The New Assembly District 24 is south of Friestadt to north of KK Lisbon Road AND east of V to west of 124th Street.
Monday, June 17
Milwaukee Dems Monthly Meeting, 6:00pm
Milwaukee Labor Council, 633 S Hawley Rd, Milwaukee
Join us for our June Membership Meeting.
Wednesday, June 19
Oz Dems Monthly Meeting, 7:00 - 8:00pm
1930 Wisconsin Ave, Grafton
Join us at our monthly general meeting, the 3rd Wed of each month at 7 pm at our Grafton Office. Get caught up on the latest local politics while helping us elect people to office. Thanks to Fair Maps, we have an opportunity to elect people to the 22, 23, and 59 Assembly Districts as well as the 8th and 20th Senate Districts. Zoom links for the meeting are sent to paid DPOC members.
Thursday, June 20
Discussion with Author Dominic Erdozain,, 12:00pm
Join WAVE Educational Fund for an author discussion with Dominic Erdozain about his new book, One Nation Under Guns. Erdozain is a writer and historian with a passion for bringing the past into dialogue with the present. Erdozain has written widely on the intellectual origins of democracy and has published opinion pieces for CNN, placing America’s gun problem in a broader philosophical context. A graduate of Oxford and Cambridge, he is currently a visiting professor at Emory University. Register for free in advance to receive a link the day of the event.
A special event in support of Sara Rodriguez, 5:00 - 7:00pm
As the second largest and fastest-growing racial and ethnic group in Wisconsin’s electorate, Latino voters could be the difference between winning and losing – in national and statewide elections, and in competitive congressional and state legislative races under new fair maps. Join us in supporting Lt. Governor Sara Rodriguez’s initiatives to ensure voters know Democrats are delivering on the issues important to Latino families and turnout Latino voters for Democratic candidates in November. Address available upon RSVP.
Wednesday, June 26
WAVE: Annual Peace Through Music Benefit, 7:00pm
Linneman's Riverwest Inn, 1001 E Locust St, Milwaukee
John Lennon songs performed live by Sigmund Snopek, John Sieger, Electric Blu and more. Plus, there will be an amazing silent auction with items donated by local businesses like Adventure Rock, Irish Fest, Wy'east Pizza, Milwaukee Brewers, Green Bay Packers, Tosa Yoga Center, Lakefront Brewery, Milwaukee Film, Float Milwaukee, Schlitz Audubon Nature Center, Rocket Baby Bakery, Milwaukee County Parks, and so many others! The $10 cover charge at the event is a donation to benefit WAVE Educational Fund and the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. If you cannot attend you can still support our work at WAVE to prevent gun violence.
Saturday, June 29
Neighborhood Canvasses, 9:00am - 12:00pm, 12:00 - 3:00pm, 3:00 - 6:00pm
League Cafe, 10:00am - 12:00pm
Milwaukee Public Library East Branch Community Room
2320 N Cramer St Milwaukee
League Cafe meets monthly and welcomes League members old and new, as well as community members. In a small group setting, we get to know each other better, share knowledge and have interesting conversations. In rotating months, we meet as a general discussion group, and in opposite months, convene as a book club to discuss noteworthy books on racial equity, immigration and/or voting.
March in the Fun Before the Fourth Parade, 10:00am - 12:00pm
If you would like to march in the Thiensville parade, please fill out the form. Then, watch your email for more details as we get closer to the event. Get that OzDems Tshirt ready - and practice that wave - it'll be here before you know it! ** We will have professionally printed signs to folks to carry!
Sunday, June 30
Neighborhood Canvasses, 9:00am - 12:00pm, 12:00 - 3:00pm, 3:00 - 6:00pm
Glendale, 6563 N Crestwood Dr.
Lakefront, 3271 N Newhall St.
Recruit Volunteers, 3271 N Newhall St.
Thursday, July 4
March in the Cedarburg 4th of July Parade with Oz Dems, 9:30 - 11:30am
If you would like to march in the Thiensville and/or Cedarburg parades, please fill out this form: March With Oz Dems. Then, watch your email for more details as we get closer to the event. Get that OzDem T-shirt ready – and practice that wave – it’ll be here before you know it!
Saturday, July 13
Neighborhood Canvasses, 9:00am - 12:00pm, 12:00 - 3:00pm, 3:00 - 6:00pm
Glendale, 6563 N Crestwood Dr.
Lakefront, 3271 N Newhall St.
Recruit Volunteers, 3271 N Newhall St.
Lunch and Learn, 12:00 - 1:00pm
Keisha Robinson grew up on the north side of Milwaukee and like many people in her community, she experienced hardships like poverty and discrimination while job searching. She eventually worked her way up to her current role as Program Director at Black Leaders Organizing for Communities (BLOC) where she uses her personal experiences to help the people in her neighborhood get involved in the political process. The team at BLOC believes that change needs to happen from within the community because sharing experiences creates a deeper level of trust. Join the Zoom meeting.
Wednesday, July 17
Oz Dems Monthly Meeting, 7:00 - 8:00pm
1930 Wisconsin Ave, Suite 130, Grafton
Join us at our monthly general meeting, the 3rd Wed of each month at 7 pm at our Grafton Office. Get caught up on the latest local politics while helping us elect people to office. Thanks to Fair Maps, we have an opportunity to elect people to the 22, 23, and 59 Assembly Districts as well as the 8th and 20th Senate Districts. Zoom links for the meeting are sent to paid DPOC members.
other important links
Become a Member of Grassroots North Shore![]() |
Milwaukee County Democratic Party |
Ozaukee County Democratic Party |
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