decisions, decisions, where are the decisions?

It's going to be a big week in national politics. The Adolph Twitler news is thick, as in molasses or mud. Judge Aileen (Loose-y) Cannon is hearing some ridiculous motions that began on Friday, June 21, with an all-day hearing on whether special counsel Jack Smith's appointment is constitutional (asked and answered multiple times in various courts already, but could always use one more trot around the track). Today (Monday, June 24) she's hearing arguments about whether funding for his office is constitutional (ditto). Also on Monday, she will hear the prosecution's request to "restrict Trump from making more incendiary claims that falsely suggest FBI agents were 'complicit in a plot to assassinate him.'" On Tuesday, she will hear arguments "on Trump’s efforts to bar from trial the audio notes that investigators got from one of Trump’s attorneys, Evan Corcoran." In that same hearing, Dolt 45's lawyers will also argue that "investigators gave misleading statements on the affidavit to obtain the warrant to search his Mar-a-Lago property" (Washington Post, June 24,2024).

Meanwhile the whole country awaits long-delayed major Supreme Court decisions (from Wikipedia):

  1. Fischer v. United States, argued on April 14, 2024: Did the D.C. Circuit err in construing 18 U.S.C. § 1512(c) ("Witness, Victim, or Informant Tampering"), which prohibits obstruction of congressional inquiries and investigations, to include acts unrelated to investigations and evidence?
  2. Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo Relentless, Inc. v. Department of Commerce, argued January 17: Whether the court should overrule Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. or at least clarify that statutory silence concerning controversial powers expressly but narrowly granted elsewhere in the statute does not constitute an ambiguity requiring deference to the agency.
  3. Trump v. United States, argued on April 25, 2024: Whether and if so to what extent does a former President enjoy presidential immunity from criminal prosecution for conduct alleged to involve official acts during his tenure in office.

These are only three of the most consequential pending cases in a Supreme Court term that normally ends on June 30! According to The Hill, 14 cases that were argued this term are yet hanging fire. Reuters reports that "the court is having its second-slowest term since 1946, according to Adam Feldman, a legal scholar who tracks court data on his Empirical SCOTUS blog."

The Fischer case has to do with whether one of the January 6 insurrectionists can be charged with obstruction of justice if the congressional procedure he and others disrupted was certification of the electoral college vote and not an inquiry or investigation. The statute Fischer is challenging was used in many other Jan 6 cases and is also one of the charges Benedict Donald faces.

The Loper case is notable because another longstanding precedent — familiarly called Chevron — might be overturned or significantly curtailed. If decided the wrong way, it would jeopardize the entire regulatory apparatus of the government. That's because the Chevron case granted to the agencies and their experts the ability to develop and deploy the means to carry out the laws Congress has passed even if those laws do not fully specify the means by which they are to operate.

The third case is of course the presidential Immunity case. The length of time it is taking for the Court to render judgment is cause for alarm. As the set-up to her conclusion that the US Supreme Court needs substantial reform, Jennifer Rueben, in today's Washington Post, begins "Another day of Supreme Court decisions passed on Friday, another day without an opinion on presidential immunity. No better evidence of the bad faith and bias on the part of the right-wing Supreme Court majority exists than its foot-dragging on the decision concerning whether felon and former president Donald Trump can be prosecuted for an insurrection. In deciding to delay the case for more than six months, the court itself commits election interference." Strong words, eminently justified.

On Thursday, we'll have the Great Debate. Not only should you not miss it; you should watch it with your fellow Democrats at the Debate Watch Party the Democratic Party of Milwaukee County is hosting from 7 - 10pm at Broken Bat Brewery Co. (135 E Pittsburgh Ave, Milwaukee). Be surrounded by friends and fellow Democrats as we cheer on President Biden and get motivated for our 2024 general election campaign. To join in on the fun RSVP to let them know you’re coming, and don’t forget to bring a friend or family member! Alternatively, invite a like-minded friend or two over to your place so you can laugh at the gaffes and cheer at the zingers together. The debate begins at 8pm CDT and runs for 90 minutes.

Maybe some time soon we'll get a decision from the Wisconsin Supreme Court on the issue of using drop boxes to return absentee ballots. The Wisconsin Democracy Campaign is pre-planning rapid response rallies in Madison and Milwaukee either to celebrate the return of drop boxes to Wisconsin elections or to respond to an adverse decision. Stay informed about ballot drop box issues and/or RSVP for the rally.

On the home front, I hope you are still reading this missive because Grassroots North Shore has truly VITAL INFORMATION for you about the otherwise ho-hum primary election on Tuesday, August 13. In our presentation on Sunday, July 14, "Hot Topics," experts will explain what the two ballot questions (aka constitutional amendments) mean and what they will do to governance in this state. We're going to meet in Doctors Park (1870 E Fox Ln, Fox Point) from 4:00 - 6:00pm. Maggie Daun (host of the radio talk show The Maggie Daun Show), Sarah Godlewski (Wisconsin Treasurer), and Ian Schmitt-Ernst (Conservation Voters organizer) will fill us in. So please RSVP. Also please bring your own water bottles and lawn chairs if possible.

The newsletter is a couple of days early this week and will be AWOL altogether next week as I'm taking a little R & R to visit with our grandson. But if things really blow up this week, you'll undoubtedly hear from me again.


Tuesday, June 25

Social / Relational Organizing Glendale & Fox Point, 6:00 - 7:30pm
1065 W Fairy Chasm Rd, River Hills

Connect with your friends in an easy way and help democrats win! Repeats on, Tuesday July 9, Tuesday July 23, and additional dates. Sign up.

Wednesday, June 26

WAVE: Annual Peace Through Music Benefit, 7:00pm
Linneman's Riverwest Inn, 1001 E Locust St, Milwaukee

John Lennon songs performed live by Sigmund Snopek, John Sieger, Electric Blu and more. Plus, there will be an amazing silent auction with items donated by local businesses like Adventure Rock, Irish Fest, Wy'east Pizza, Milwaukee Brewers, Green Bay Packers, Tosa Yoga Center, Lakefront Brewery, Milwaukee Film, Float Milwaukee, Schlitz Audubon Nature Center, Rocket Baby Bakery, Milwaukee County Parks, and so many others! The $10 cover charge at the event is a donation to benefit WAVE Educational Fund and the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. If you cannot attend you can still support our work at WAVE to prevent gun violence.

Thursday, June 27

Voter Assistance Hotline and Ballot Cure Training, 4:00 - 5:30pm

Join our Hotline and Cure team! Dozens of volunteers just like YOU make a difference for tens of thousands of voters every cycle. On the Hotline, we answer voters’ questions and address their concerns, so every voter has access to accurate, helpful, and useful information on voting. On the Ballot Cure team, we help absentee voters make sure their votes are cast correct and counted. YOUR effort helps voters vote! Sign up.

Milwaukee County Presidential Debate Watch Party! 7:00 - 10:00pm
Broken Bat Brewing Co., 135 E Pittsburg Ave, Milwaukee

Join your fellow Democrats here in Milwaukee for our Presidential Debate watch party at Broken Bat Brewing! Be surrounded by friends and fellow Democrats as we cheer on President Biden and get motivated for our 2024 general election campaign. To join in on the fun RSVP to let us know you’re coming, and don’t forget to bring a friend or family member!

Saturday, June 29

Neighborhood Canvasses, 9:00am - 12:00pm, 12:00 - 3:00pm, 3:00 - 6:00pm

Fox Point, 7632 N Beach Dr, Fox Point.
Shorewood, 4516 N Newhall St.
Glendale, 6563 N Crestwood Dr.
Shorewood, 4516 N Newhall St.

Stand for Peace, 12:00 - 1:00pm
Santa Monica & Silver Spring, Whitefish Bay

Stand for Peace demonstrates for peace at a different intersection in Milwaukee County every Saturday.

League Cafe, 10:00am - 12:00pm
Milwaukee Public Library East Branch Community Room
2320 N Cramer St, Milwaukee

League Cafe meets monthly and welcomes League members old and new, as well as community members. In a small group setting, we get to know each other better, share knowledge and have interesting conversations. In rotating months, we meet as a general discussion group, and in opposite months, convene as a book club to discuss noteworthy books on racial equity, immigration and/or voting.

March in the Fun Before the Fourth Parade, 10:00am - 12:00pm

If you would like to march in the Thiensville parade, please fill out the form. Then, watch your email for more details as we get closer to the event. Get that OzDems Tshirt ready - and practice that wave - it'll be here before you know it! ** We will have professionally printed signs to folks to carry!

Post-Parade Membership Picnic, 12:00 - 2:00pm
Village Park, Thiensville

Join the Ozaukee Dems after Thiensville's Fun-Before-the-4th Parade for a membership picnic at Village Park! We'll provide food and beverages. Learn more about becoming a member, volunteer opportunities, and other upcoming events in the area! Get involved!. Please RSVP. There's no cost — Donations accepted at the door.

Sunday, June 30

Neighborhood Canvasses, 9:00am - 12:00pm, 12:00 - 3:00pm, 3:00 - 6:00pm

Fox Point, 7632 N Beach Dr, Fox Point.
Glendale, 6563 N Crestwood Dr.
Lakefront, 3271 N Newhall St.
Recruit Volunteers, 3271 N Newhall St.

Thursday, July 4

March in the Cedarburg 4th of July Parade with Oz Dems, 9:30 - 11:30am
If you would like to march in the Thiensville and/or Cedarburg parades, please fill out this form: March With Oz Dems. Then, watch your email for more details as we get closer to the event. Get that OzDem T-shirt ready – and practice that wave – it’ll be here before you know it!

Saturday, July 6

Stand for Peace, 12:00 - 1:00pm
Farwell & North, Milwaukee

Stand for Peace demonstrates for peace at a different intersection in Milwaukee County every Saturday.

Tuesday, July 9

Social / Relational Organizing Glendale & Fox Point, 6:00 - 7:30pm
1065 W Fairy Chasm Rd, River Hills

Connect with your friends in an easy way and help democrats win! Sign up.

Wednesday, July 10

Glendale Party: Friend to Friend Outreach, 6:00 - 8:30pm
2535 W Wending Dr, Glendale

Come join for a summer party in Glendale. Glenna and Brad are opening their home to the community. Good food, great people, and democratic values! Learn what we are doing to make sure we win in November! Hope to see you there. Sign up.

Thursday, July 11

Begin Your VoPro Journey at VoPro 101, 5:00 - 6:00pm

VoPro 101 is our twice-monthly intro session to all things voter protection! Learn the basics of Wisconsin election law, the skills and strategies we use to help voters, and choose how YOU want to be involved. Sign up.

Saturday, July 13

Neighborhood Canvasses, 9:00am - 12:00pm, 12:00 - 3:00pm, 3:00 - 6:00pm

Fox Point, 7632 N Beach Dr, Fox Point.
Glendale, 6563 N Crestwood Dr.
Lakefront, 3271 N Newhall St.
Recruit Volunteers, 3271 N Newhall St.

Lunch and Learn, 12:00 - 1:00pm

Keisha Robinson grew up on the north side of Milwaukee and like many people in her community, she experienced hardships like poverty and discrimination while job searching. She eventually worked her way up to her current role as Program Director at Black Leaders Organizing for Communities (BLOC) where she uses her personal experiences to help the people in her neighborhood get involved in the political process. The team at BLOC believes that change needs to happen from within the community because sharing experiences creates a deeper level of trust. Join the Zoom meeting.

Sunday, July 14

Hot Topics, 4:00 - 6:00pm
Doctors Park, 1870 E Fox Ln, Fox Point

The legislature again is trying to disturb the normal balance of power, this time by removing the Governor's control of federal funds and budget distributions. Three knowledgeable speakers lay out how this will affect the Governor's ability to react to emergencies and to protect our environment, schools, and health. The legislature is counting on a low-turnout election to pass these changes before the public understands their consequences! Find out how we can protect our water, schools, and health by protecting the power of the Governor. RSVP.


Wednesday, July 17

Oz Dems Monthly Meeting, 7:00 - 8:00pm
1930 Wisconsin Ave, Suite 130, Grafton

Join us at our monthly general meeting, the 3rd Wed of each month at 7 pm at our Grafton Office. Get caught up on the latest local politics while helping us elect people to office. Thanks to Fair Maps, we have an opportunity to elect people to the 22, 23, and 59 Assembly Districts as well as the 8th and 20th Senate Districts. Zoom links for the meeting are sent to paid DPOC members.

Thursday, July 25

Begin Your VoPro Journey at VoPro 101, 5:00 - 6:00pm

VoPro 101 is our twice-monthly intro session to all things voter protection! Learn the basics of Wisconsin election law, the skills and strategies we use to help voters, and choose how YOU want to be involved. Sign up.

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