There's a lot of news to get to, including the drivel from the RNC, but first things first. Grassroots North Shore really needs a few more good people! Norma Gilson has 5 or 6 packages of flyers to be dropped off at houses in Glendale and Shorewood. This action differs from canvassing in that we are not asking you to knock on doors or talk to strangers if you don't want to. These turf packets are easily walkable. And they are part of our "VOTE NO on the ballot questions" campaign. To deliver flyers, contact Norma Gilson.
I have 20 some phone lists that have not yet been assigned. These are really easy calls to make to strong Democratic women who live in the new Senate District 8. These women have recently received a postcard from us alerting them to the August 13 election. The phone call reinforces the postcard message and provides a chance to give more information about the ballot questions. I started my call list yesterday and had two wonderful conversations with women who were only dimly aware of the election and were grateful for the call, and especially on the information about the ballot questions. We are leaving messages and/or texting people too. To sign up for a phone list, contact Nancy Kaplan.
Jody Habush Sinykin is recruiting people to canvass for her, separately from the canvasses the Democrats are hosting. She's running for the tipping point state senate seat (formerly held by Dan Knodl). Winning this senate seat is vital to the strategy for winning the state senate majority in 2026. Vying for that seat is the execrable Duey Strobel who is new to the redrawn Senate District 8. So it's a very winnable race and Jodi is a fabulous candidate. We need to give her all the support we can. To kick off her campaign in earnest, she is holding a campaign launch party for anyone who will canvass for her. The kickoff party takes place on Monday, July 29, at 5pm. To sign up, please email Talia Gottlieb or go to her Volunteer Sign Up page.
And the last ask of this week: The Democratic Part of Milwaukee County shoulders the responsibility for the Dems State Fair booth. The Fair runs from Thursday, August 1, through Sunday, August 11, with three shifts per day: 10am - 2pm; 2 - 6pm; and 6 - 9pm. In exchange for volunteering, you will be mailed a free admission ticket for each shift you sign up for. Sign up.
Now for the news! The Republican Convention is in town, of course. Tonight's big keynote speech will come from the newly anointed VP pick, Senator J.D.Vance. Republicans seem to be ecstatic about the choice. In the coming days, we will learn more about his positions on the issues, though he has been known to be something of a chameleon. Here's the Biden-Harris campaign's substack on his positions: DONALD TRUMP AND J.D. VANCE. Contrast those positions with President Biden's accomplishments.
In the past few days we saw two truly astonishing events. First, Don the Con's close call with a bullet from an AR-15 style weapon wielded by a 20 year old, apparently conservative, young man. As yet, the authorities know very little about the shooter so we should not speculate about even the most innocuous detail. The fact that he was able to get into a position close enough to attempt an assassination is troubling.
CNN is producing live updates on the House investigations into how such an event could have happened. CBS News notes that "a sniper from a local tactical team deployed to assist the U.S. Secret Service at the rally took a picture of the gunman and saw him looking through a rangefinder minutes before he tried to assassinate the former president, a local law enforcement officer with direct knowledge of the events told CBS News." We might be shocked, but not surprised, that we continue to witness such political violence. Now The Former Guy is both a fomenter and a victim of it. You can bet on the play his victimhood will get, both in his campaign and in its coverage.
Oddly enough, what Judge Cannon ruled in the Mar-a-Lago documents case is, to me at least, considerably more concerning. She has ruled that the special counsel, Jack Smith, "was illegally appointed by the Justice Department" (AP, July 15, 2024). "The dismissal by U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon brings a stunning and abrupt halt to a criminal case that at the time it was filed was widely regarded as the most perilous of all the legal threats the Republican former president confronted." Andrew Weissmann and Mary McCord discuss both the attempted assissination and Jack Smith's options for the case on their podcast "Prosecuting Donald Trump: An Unsettling Few Days." Apparently Jack Smith has already indicated he will appeal, either to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals or directly to the US Supreme Court.
If it stands, the Cannon ruling will cast doubt on 25 years of special counsels, including the work of the odious Ken Starr and the cases against Hunter Biden. But more seriously, the ruling would mean much more difficulty appointing special counsels in the first place — as I understand it they would have to be appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate. So the Department of Justice would have no other mechanism to try to structure an investigation so that it is removed from political pressure. That, after all, was the purpose of the Special Counsel statute in the first place. Here's Wikipedia's explanation: "In the United States, a special counsel (formerly called special prosecutor or independent counsel) is a lawyer appointed to investigate, and potentially prosecute, a particular case of suspected wrongdoing for which a conflict of interest exists for the usual prosecuting authority."
Wednesday, July 17
The Dairyland Decides: The Pivotal Battleground of American Politics, 12:00 - 2:00pm
UWM Union Wisconsin Room
Join us for an enlightening discussion and luncheon during the Republican National Convention, featuring an all-star team of political commentators. Delve into the dynamic political landscapes of Wisconsin and across the United States as our experts dissect current trends, predict upcoming shifts, and analyze the impact of recent policy decisions on future elections. This session promises to offer a deep dive into the critical races and key battleground states that could determine the balance of power. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain unique perspectives and valuable insights into the evolving American political scene. Panelists: Charles Cook, Cook Political Report; Craig Gilbert, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel; Charles Franklin, Marquette Law School Poll. Moderator: Gerron Jordan, WISN-TV. Doors Open 11:30 am, Program & Luncheon 12:00 pm–2:00 pm. The luncheon is free. Register.
Oz Dems Monthly Meeting, 7:00 - 8:00pm
1930 Wisconsin Ave, Suite 130, Grafton
Join us at our monthly general meeting, the 3rd Wed of each month at 7 pm at our Grafton Office. Get caught up on the latest local politics while helping us elect people to office. Thanks to Fair Maps, we have an opportunity to elect people to the 22, 23, and 59 Assembly Districts as well as the 8th and 20th Senate Districts. Zoom links for the meeting are sent to paid DPOC members.
Friday, July 19
Forum on Project 2025 and its Policy Agenda, 9:30am
Knickerbocker Hotel, 1028 E Juneau, Milwaukee
The League of Progressive Seniors invites you to attend this forum. Project 2025 is a threat to Democracy. How do we spread the word? You are invited to help shape the message. Agenda: 1) Draft a PowerPoint on Project 2025; 2) Focus group discussion and critique; 3) Overvies of Project 2025 Structural Changes. Please let us know if you plan to attend by emailing Tom Callan.
Saturday, July 20
Stand for Peace, 12:00 - 1:00pm
Chavez (16th) and Greenfield
Stand for Peace demonstrates for peace at a different intersection in Milwaukee County every Saturday.
Sunday, July 21
Glendale Canvass 9:00am and 12:00pm
6563 N Crestwood Dr, Glendale
Every person counts in this election and we are looking to expand our volunteer base and identify newly registered Democrats so that we can win in November. We are going to be recruiting new volunteers at the doors by speaking with strong democrats. We will also have the chance to have some persuasion conversations with persuadable voters. We need you! Sign up.
Whitefish Bay Canvass 9:00am and 12:00pm
4845 N Newhall St, Whitefish Bay
Come help us recruit new volunteers! Every person counts and we win the election by getting out early to build our network of supporters. We will also engage undecided voters to help persuade them. We need you! Sign up.
Tuesday, July 23
Social/Relational Organizing Glendale and Fox Point, 6:00 - 7:30pm
1065 W Fairy Chasm Rd, River Hills
Connect with your friends/family/acquaintances in an easy way and help democrats win! Sign up.
Thursday, July 25
Begin Your VoPro Journey at VoPro 101, 5:00 - 6:00pm
VoPro 101 is our twice-monthly intro session to all things voter protection! Learn the basics of Wisconsin election law, the skills and strategies we use to help voters, and choose how YOU want to be involved. Sign up.
Friday, July 26
League Cafe, 10:00am - 12:00pm
6737 W Washington St, Suite 2212, West Allis
League Cafe meets monthly and welcomes League members old and new, as well as community members. In a small group setting, we get to know each other better, share knowledge and have interesting conversations. In rotating months, we meet as a general discussion group, and in opposite months, convene as a book club to discuss noteworthy books on racial equity, immigration and/or voting.
Saturday, July 27
League of Women Voters Milwaukee: Climate Action Group, 10:00am - 12:00pm
Main Floor Conference Room, Summit Place, 6737 W. Washington St., West Allis
Climate Change and Unpacking the Health Impacts of One Proposed Remedy, Methane Gas Plants. Presenter, Brittany Keyes, of Healthy Climate Wisconsin and LWV Beloit. Followed by Inspiration from LWV Douglas County and Workshop provides plans and tools for effective advocacy! Beverages and food provided! Reservations Requested.
Stand for Peace, 12:00 - 1:00pm
Farwell and Brady
Stand for Peace demonstrates for peace at a different intersection in Milwaukee County every Saturday.
Monday, July 29
Jodi Habush Sinykin: Calling All Canvassers, 5:00pm
address upon sign up
Jodi Habush Sinykin, who is running for State Senate 8, is holding a canvassers' launch party on Monday, July 29. She's gearing up to knock doors all over the district and needs volunteers to cover the territory. Even if you live in Milwaukee, Glendale or Shorewood — outside the district and so cannot vote for her — you can help her across the finish line by knocking on doors and talking to fellow Dems. So sign up, or go to her Volunteer Sign Up page.
July 31 through August 4
Oz Dems at the Ozaukee County Fair, 10:00am - 10:00pm
Fireman's Park, Cedarburg
Be sure to stop by our booth to say hello! We enjoy connecting with fairgoers – and oh, those cheese curds and fireworks!
Saturday, August 3
Shorewood Canvass, 9:00am - 12:00pm and 12:00pm - 3:00pm
4516 N Newhall St, Whitefish Bay
Come join us to recruit strong democrats who are passionate and looking for ways to get involved in this election. Some weekends, we will reach out to voters who are in the middle and currently undecided. Sign up.
Tuesday, August 6
Social/Relational Organizing Glendale and Fox Point, 6:00 - 7:30pm
1065 W Fairy Chasm Rd, River Hills
Connect with your friends/family/acquaintances in an easy way and help democrats win! Sign up.
John Zarbano Listening Session, 6:00 - 7:00pm
Cedarburg Public Library, Community Room, W63 N589 Hanover Ave, Cedarburg
Please join John for a listening session in Cedarburg. he wants to know what your concerns are and how he can more effectively represent you in the 6th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Here's a little about John: He lives in Oshkosh. He's a husband, father, grandfather, and a retired lawyer. Born in Omaha, he received his Bachelor’s and Master’s from the UN at Omaha and my law degree from the University of Tulsa. He practiced law in Tulsa where he met his wife, Merlaine Angwall, a native of Marinette. They returned to Wisconsin in 1998 to be nearer her parents.
Saturday, August 10
Neighborhood Canvasses, 9:00am - 12:00pm, 12:00 - 3:00pm
Tuesday, August 20
Social/Relational Organizing Glendale and Fox Point, 6:00 - 7:30pm
1065 W Fairy Chasm Rd, River Hills
Connect with your friends/family/acquaintances in an easy way and help democrats win! Sign up.
other important links
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Milwaukee County Democratic Party |
Ozaukee County Democratic Party | |
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