2024 Election Results

This page contains a subset of the full data. You can download the Excel spreadsheet for the full set.

Table 1 allows you to compare the vote totals and percents for Democratic and Republican candidates in each municipal type in Ozaukee County (reading across the rows) and to compare the vote totals and percents for each candidate (reading down the columns).

For example, Jodi Habush Sinykin received fewer overall votes than Kamala Harris in the aggregate of votes in the Ozaukee County towns, but Habush Sinykin earned a larger share of the votes (37% of the votes in that race) than Harris (34%). In general, Democrats did better in villages (in aggregated votes) than in towns but did best in each of the cities. In fact, Harris lost Mequon by a mere 92 votes but won Cedarburg by 194 votes!

Table 1
  Harris Trump Baldwin Hovde Habush Sinykin Stroebel
Towns 4278 (34%) 8,024 (64%) 4157 (34%) 8097 (66%) 3203 (37%) 5437 (63%)
Villages 6736 (42%) 8024 (58%) 6647 (41%) 9714 (59%) 4820 (46%) 5614 (54%)
Cedarburg 4445 (50%) 4251 (48%) 4287 (49%) 4379 (50%) 4314 (50%) 4363 (50%)*
Mequon 8588 (49%) 8680 (49%)** 7721 (46%) 8954 (54%) 8425 (49%) 8776 (51%)
Port Washington 3826 (47%) 4088 (52%) 3762 (48%) 4047 (52%) 3855 (49%) 3997 (51%)

* Stroebel won 49 more votes.
** Trump won 92 more votes.

Table 2 shows the results in the seven North Shore communities.

Table 2
  Harris Trump Baldwin Hovde Habush Sinykin Stroebel
Bayside 2174 (71%) 881 (29%) 2168 (72%) 899 (29%) 2201 (72%) 855 (28%)
Brown Deer 5359 (74%) 1895 (26%) 5317 (74%) 1841 (26%) 4544 (74%) 1626 (26%)
Fox Point 3435 (71%) 1381 (29%) 3390 (70%) 1430 (30%) 3419 (71%) 1373 (29%)
River Hills 663 (58%) 488 (42%) 648 (56%) 514 (44%) 647 (56%) 504 (44%)
Whitefish Bay 8946 (72%) 2721 (28%) 6788 (70%) 2959 (30%) 6714 (70%) 2900 (30%)
Glendale 6430 (74%) 2237 (26%) 6403 (74%) 2220 (26%)  
Shorewood 7633 (84%) 1438 (16%) 7617 (84%) 1461 (16%)

Table 3 shows the results for the ballot question.

Table 3
Town of Belgium 756 79% 206 21%
Town of Cedarburg 3720 74% 1137 26%
Town of Grafton 2312 76% 745 24%
Town of Port Washington 837 76% 260 24%
Town of Saukville 988 81% 233 19%
Village of Bayside 34 46% 40 54%
Village of Belgium 1263 82% 280 18%
Village of Fredonia 1146 83% 242 17%
Village of Grafton 5734 72% 2279 28%
Village of Newburg 45 92% 4 8%
Village of Saukville 1172 71% 717 29%
Village of Thiensville 1704 67% 852 33%
City of Cedarburg 5583 66% 2931 34%
City of Mequon 11,584 68% 5462 32%
City of Port Washington 5269 67% 2538 33%

Village of Bayside 1409 47% 1607 53%
Village of Brown Deer   62%   38%
Village of Fox Point 2118 46% 2469 54%
City of Glendale 4317 51% 4184 49%
Village of River Hills 310 61% 195 39%
Village of Shorewood 2700 31% 5935 69%
Village of Whitefish Bay 4210 45% 5051 55%

Table 4 shows the vote totals and percents in Milwaukee Wards 126, 132, 133, and 176. These are the wards for the residents of the four main dormitories for UWM and stand in as proxies for the work we did educating students and urging them to vote at UWM, MIAD, and MSOE.

Table 4
Ward number Harris Trump Baldwin Hovde YES NO
126 875 (81.02%) 205 (18.98%) 881 (84.31%) 164 (15.69%) 542 (55.76%) 430 (44.24%)
132 947 (87.04%) 141 (12.96%) 968 (98.78%) 12 (1.22%) 472 (45.69%) 561 (54.31%)
133 611 (85.3%) 105 (14.66%) 612 (86.56%) 95 (13.44%) 258 (37.18%) 436 (62.82%)
176 975 (81.18%) 226 (18.82%) 967 (81.53%) 219 (18.47%) 471 (41.79%) 656 (58.21%)