Shirley Horowitz 725pc

Shirley Horowitz

Shirley Horowitz's activity stream

  • Preserve The WI Supreme Court Majority! GRNS 2025 Fundraiser

    Donate to our annual fundraiser.  Every donation will be matched dollar for dollar up to $4000.  Remember, your donation also includes a one-year membership to GRNS.

    If you prefer to donate via check, you can mail it to GRNS, PO Box 170684, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53217-8056


    February 02, 2025 at 5:00pm
    virtual event
    123 rsvps rsvp

  • Green Is Good -- for you and for the planet

    Warnings and predictions about the dire future of the planet due to the impacts of climate change have swirled for over half a century now, and yet we have not taken definitive action. Joining the Paris Accord during President Obama’s tenure was a first step that stalled when he left office; now we are scrambling to undo the damage of the last administration.

    People often turn away from climate change discussion because they feel powerless to change the situation. Aside from electing politicians who care, “what can we do?” is the common response.

    This forum by Grassroots North Shore will help us answer that question, not from a national perspective or political stage, but from where we live – our homes and communities.

    Forum participants will give us the starter steps we need to formulate our paths to a cleaner, sustainable future. In one approach, Lisa Geason Bauer at Evolution Marketing describes how businesses can approach sustainability: “When thinking about sustainability – specifically how to talk about it and implement it, we use the lens of the triple bottom line (TBL). Triple bottom line means that we consider whether our management decisions are going to have an impact on the environment (i.e. environmental stewardship), people, or the community of stakeholders (i.e. corporate social responsibility), and the overall economic viability (profit) of the business. One of the goals at Evolution Marketing is to create change within our clients’ organizations and implement sustainable business strategies.”

    Our moderator and a speaker on homeowner options, Kevin Kane, will discuss energy audits, economic analysis of what is cost-effective regarding home improvements, and ways to make those improvements affordable.

    Find out what you can do, and what we can all do together. Grassroots North Shore hosts “Green is Good” at 7 pm on Sunday, June 13th, featuring experts who will come together to guide the ordinary person in navigating the possibilities of environmental change. Featured speakers include: Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes; Mayor of Glendale Bryan Kennedy; Chief Economist of Green Homeowners United, Kevin Kane; and Lisa Geason Bauer, President of Evolution Marketing, LLC. RSVP on the Events Page and then ask at least one other friend, colleague, or family member to sign up as well. 

    We appreciate support by co-sponsors Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Jewish Democrats, and Wisconsin Conservation Voters. (NOTE: Registration system requires an initial rsvp to get on our list; a link will be sent to you so you can register on Zoom-also required).