2024 General Election

Know Your State Election Districts

Early Voting Information for the North Shore and Ozaukee County Communities.

Early Voting Information for the City of Milwaukee.

Offices and Candidates on the November 5 ballot.

Office Candidate Online Information
President and Vice President Kamala Harris and Tim Walz
Ballotpedia page
Web | Facebook | X (Twitter) | YouTube
issues and ads
US Senate Tammy Baldwin, Incumbent
Ballotpedia page
Web | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube
4th Congressional District Gwen Moore, Incumbent
Ballotpedia page
Web | Facebook | X (Twitter)
6th Congressional District John Zarbano
Ballotpedia questionnaire
Web | X (Twitter)
Senate District 4 Dora Drake (Incumbent)
GRNS endorses Dora Drake
Web | LinkedIn | X (Twitter)
Senate District 8 Jodi Habush Sinykin
Ballotpedia page
Web | Facebook | X (Twitter)
Assembly District 10 Darrin Madison, Incumbent
Ballotpedia page
Facebook | Instagram
Assembly District 22 Dana Glasstein
Ballotpedia page
Web | Facebook | Instagram
Assembly District 23 Deb Andraca, Incumbent
Ballotpedia page
Web | Facebook | X (Twitter) | Instagram
Assembly District 24: William Walter
Ballotpedia page
LinkedIn | X (Twitter)
Milwaukee County Clerk George Christenson, Incumbent
Ballotpedia page
Web | Facebook | X (Twitter)
Milwaukee County District Attorney Kent Lovern
Ballotpedia page
Web | Facebook | X (Twitter) | Instagram
Milwaukee County Treasurer David Cullen, Incumbent
Ballotpedia page
Milwaukee County Recorder of Deeds Israel Ramón, Incumbent
Ballotpedia page
Web | Facebook | LinkedIn

Other Democratic races to watch:

Peter Barca and Diane Anderson (pending), CD 1;
Mark Pocan (Incumbent), CD 2;
Katrina Shankland and Rebecca Cooke, CD 3;
Gwen Moore (Incumbent), CD4;
Andrew Beck and Ben Steinhoff, CD 5;
John Zarbano, CD 6;
Elsa Rae Duranceau and Kyle Kilbourn, CD 7;
Kristin Lyerly, CD 8.


Simple Rules for Voting in Wisconsin

Voting by absentee ballot is, we think, an effective, sound and secure strategy. For one thing, the ballot typically arrives about three weeks before Election Day. That means you can take some time to bone up on candidates' qualifications and stands as you chose how you're going to vote for each office. Plus it's an insurance policy in case of unexpected illness or a sudden and unexpected need to travel on Election Day.

There are several rules for absentee ballots you must observe.

  1. A witness must sign the ballot certification envelope in which you return your ballot.
  2. The witness must fill in his/her/their complete address, including street number, street name, municipality and zip code.
  3. You must sign the certification envelope.
  4. Be sure you seal the ballot envelope. DO NOT use tape or any other way to close the envelope, making it appear to have been tampered with. Your ballot may be discarded if it is not sealed properly. If you want to avoid licking the envelope, use a dampened paper towel.
  5. Finally, you return your ballot to your municipal clerk, either by posting it in the US Mail or by taking it in person to your clerk's office. In either case, YOU MUST MAIL or RETURN the ballot YOURSELF. No one is allowed to return your ballot for you.
  6. You can track the progress of your absentee ballot on MyVote.WI.Gov. Use the "Track My Ballot" tab to find out when the ballot was received and if it was accepted or rejected. If rejected, call the Democratic Voter Hotline at: 608-336-3232.
  7. If you receive an absentee ballot in the mail but change your mind and want to vote on Election Day, all is not lost. As long as you have not already returned the ballot, you can take it to your polling place, surrender the blank ballot to an election worker, and receive a new ballot. At that point you simply use the ordinary process for marking your ballot and passing it through the tabulating machine.

You can also vote early for the November 5 election. Technically, this option is also called absentee voting! Early in-person absentee voting — that's its full moniker — takes place on weekdays. You can find more information about days/times/and locations for early voting on Early Voting Information for North Shore and Ozaukee County Communities or for the City of Milwaukee. Voting early in-person is convenient, flexible, and secure. You will need to take an approved photo ID with you — just as you would for voting on Election Day. If you need to register or reregister — because you have moved or changed your name — you must also bring proof on residence with you. See list of acceptable photo IDs. See a list of acceptable forms of proof of residence.

Of course, there's always Election Day. Find your polling location on MyVote.WI.gov as well as what you need to bring for photo ID and to register to vote, if necessary.


Your Vote: 

Check your registration status, find contact information for your municipal clerk, request absentee ballots, and find your polling location at MyVote.WI.gov. Absentee ballots are typically mailed to voters 47 days before the general election.


Election Dates: 

Nonpartisan general + presidential primary election April 2, 2024
Special election for SD4: primary July 2, 2024 | general July 30, 2024
Partisan primary: August 13, 2024
Partisan general election: November 5, 2024


Key Dates for Registering, Requesting Absentee Ballots, & Early In-Person Voting:

Mail-in and online voter registration deadline for partisan primary: coming soon..

If you live in the city of Milwaukee, your deadline will be a week earlier: coming soon..
Absentee Ballot request deadline for the general election: coming soon.
Early in-person voting dates for
the general election:
coming soon.