Protect the Vote

Here's a great way to make a difference: make sure that every eligible voter is able to cast their ballot. The #1 reason voters give up on voting? Too few poll workers to keep the line moving swiftly. With your help, we can make sure that every vote gets counted. 

Every two years the Milwaukee County Democratic Party nominates individuals to be poll workers on election day. Anyone eligible to vote can be a poll worker - AND GET PAID DOING IT. Due to new laws, anyone living in Milwaukee County can be a poll worker for the City of Milwaukee. Sign up today and protect the vote for the next 2 years.

To apply, simply fill out this form and submit.  It's that easy.

So when are the next elections? Here's a handy guide.

Feb 16: Spring Primary TBD Nonpartisan. Top 2 winners for each office compete in the April election.

Apr 5: Spring General and Presidential Primary Elections

City Attorney
City Treasurer
City Comptroller

County Executive
County Supervisors
county Comptroller
County Judges

WI Appeals Court Judge
WI Supreme Court Justice

All offices are nonpartisan.

Republican Presidential Candidates TBD
Democratic Presidential Candidates TBD

In the Presidential Preference Primary, voters determine how many delegates each candidate will have at the party's nominating convention in the summer. Vote for one candidate in only one party.

Aug 9: Fall Primary

US Senator
US Congress Representatives
WI State Senators
WI State Assembly Representatives

District Attorneys
County Clerk
County Treasurer
Register of Deeds

Vote on only one party's list. The winners for each party go on to the November election.

Nov 8: Fall General Election

US President and Vice President
Finalists from the Aug 9 primary




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  • Grassroots North Shore posted about Protect the Vote on Grassroots North Shore's Facebook page 2015-11-07 20:49:15 -0600
    Protect the Vote in upcoming WI elections. Work the polls on election days. Find dates and application form here.