Real Median Income Declines on Walker's Watch

From the United States Census Bureau comes sobering news: median household income has continued to decline during the first three years of the Walker administration.

Historical Real Median Household Income for Wisconsin

Date US Wisconsin
2012 $51,371 $51,059
2011 $51,557 $51,448
2010 $52,703 $51,603
2009 $53,760 $53,516
2008 $55,484 $55,554
2007 $56,189 $56,010
2006 $55,176 $55,542
2005 $54,387 $55,402

By contrast, the comparable data for Minnesota looks like this:

Historical Real Median Household Income for Minnesota

Date US Minnesota
2012 $51,371 $58,906
2011 $51,557 $58,144
2010 $52,703 $58,403
2009 $53,760 $59,536
2008 $55,484 $61,093
2007 $56,189 $61,795
2006 $55,176 $61,522
2005 $54,387 $61,188

Real median household income in constant dollars in Minnesosta in 2012, while still lower than the median income before the Great Recession, has now surpassed median household income in 2010. In Wisconsin, median household income in 2012 is still lower than it was in 2010. The same story can be found in Iowa. And in many other states around the country.

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