Crawford and Schimel Positions

Issue Crawford Schimel
Abortion  supports women’s access to reproductive health care; represented Planned Parenthood in blocking a 2011 Wisconsin law that made physicians who provide abortion services get admitting privileges at a nearby hospital.  says he’s pro-life; believes the Wisconsin’s 1849 abortion ban is valid; has signed a legal white paper that endorsed making “it a crime to intentionally destroy the life of an unborn child unless it is necessary to save the life of the mother.”
Labor  represented Madison Teachers, Inc. in a lawsuit to overturn Wisconsin’s Act 10, which outlawed collective bargaining for public employees. She supports protecting “workers’ rights.”  supports protecting Act 10, which outlawed collective bargaining for public employees.
Redistricting  co-authored an amicus brief outlining options for a nonpartisan redistricting plan.  defended gerrymandered maps before the U.S. Supreme Court.
Priorities for the Court  believes "in protecting the basic rights and freedoms of Wisconsinites"; is committed to ensuring that the courtroom presents a level playing field and that the court can act as a check and balance on the other branches of government.  would "take back the Wisconsin Supreme Court and end the madness” of “rogue judges… putting their radical agenda above the law.”

Information derived from the League of Women Voters.