Special Registration Deputy Training on the North Shore

Grassroots North Shore is sponsoring a Special Registration Deputy (SRD) Training for volunteers interested in registering voters in the City of Milwaukee.

This training is for new registrars and those whose Registrar Certification has expired.  The previous certification expired December 31, 2014.  If you were certified prior to December 31st, 2014, your SRD certification is expired. 

Note:  Those who did not renew their SRD status by the end of May 2015 can still do so at City Hall by successfully completing the 12 question quiz (with no more than 2 incorrect answers).  The office is open Mon-Fri, 8am-4:15pm for retaking the quiz and is located in Room 501 of City Hall.  There is no training for this method.

The training and certification test at the library will take approximately two hours.  This training will allow participants to register only those voters who live in the City of Milwaukee.


June 27, 2015 at 10:15am - 12:15pm
North Shore Library Community Room
6800 N Port Washington Rd
Glendale, WI 53217
United States
Google map and directions
Eilene Stevens · 414-801-4637
Robert Austin Donna Pollock James Benefiel Gail Schumann Kathleen Michel Jane Davis Weida Ellen Mei Sharon Keigher Beverly Kingma

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