Take the Chill Off


Annual Meeting and Chili Winter Warmup

BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND: Chili and Soup Potluck +
Wine Drawing


4:30 Doors Open

5:00 Opener with Rev. Willie Briscoe

5:10 Annual Meeting

5:30 Food Served

6:00 Speaker Ted Kraig with Citizen Action on Radio-Active Plans

Q&A Panel

WINE AUCTION information: Here is how it works. Contributors donate a bottle of real wine of at least $10 in value. We like to have the bottles in advance so they can be numbered along with the corresponding corks, but we will also accept donations at the door from 4:30 to 5:00. If you would like to donate wine for the drawing, please contact Shirley Horowitz ([email protected])

You do not have to donate a bottle to participate in the drawing. Purchase a ticket for $10 to enter the drawing. When announced, turn your ticket in for a numbered cork and pick up your corresponding bottle of wine. To donate wine, contact Shirley at [email protected]. It's a lot of fun and EVERYONE IS A WINNER!

Potluck contributions: If you would like to contribute to the food offerings, please bring a homemade dessert or fruit. Make sure you have your treat plated and ready to serve. 

Join us for fun, food, and future plans as we hear from Ted Kraig and Citizen Action of Wisconsin on Radio-Active, a recent response to Right-Wing Radio in Wisconsin 

February 26, 2017 at 4:30pm - 7:30pm
North Shore Presbyterian Church
Shirley Horowitz ·
Megan Holbrook Raul Ramaya Abby Janowiec Joanne Kaus Judy and Ted Poull Dee Holzel Megan Smith Bonnie Pedraza Dennis Griffin John Grove Daniel Blasinski Emily Keelty Barb Notestein Helaine Glass Robin Squier Jacob Prater Sheila Johnson Kate Brown Sharon Keigher Peg Duehring James M Green Jacqueline Boynton Keith Schmitz Martha Pincus Joe Messinger John Hirsh Sue Wile Theodore Kraig David Eager Steph Salvia Missy Ugland Eilene Stevens Nancy Kaplan Anna Dvorak Nancy Florsheim Stephen Munroe Benjamin Gerard Terri Hart-Ellis Deborah Heim Shirley Horowitz Ann Winschel Beverly Kingma Andy Andre Tom Heppe Lois Malawsky Bill Martin Joan Grosz Kathy Herbst

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