Today's newsletter is all about action with a little pertinent news thrown in. Labor Day is traditionally the kick-off for November campaigns. In Wisconsin, though, we don't have any elections on tap until February 20! Considering how many we've already had in our corner of Wisconsin this year — three of them, including a special election for AD 24 in July — having a stretch of months without one feels like a relief. BUT we still have work to do and issues we need to follow. So here are some of things in the immediate offing that you should do.
First, attend the rally and march Grassroots North Shore, Moms Demand Action, WAVE, and the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence are holding on Sunday, September 10. We are gathering at North Point Water Tower Park (2288 N Lake Dr in Milwaukee) at 12:30pm to demand action on gun safety legislation pending in the legislature this fall. Keep Our Kids Safe at Schools includes a "shopping list" of legislative actions we want our representatives to pass. The rally and march call attention to Red Flag laws, Extreme Risk Protection Orders, Universal Background Checks, Safe Gun Storage, and fully funded Office of School Safety. Our only leverage right now is our numbers and our loud voices. So add your voice and swell our numbers!
The last item on our "shopping list" for the rally and march shows our recognition that serious gun legislation means that we need legislators who support sensible gun safety laws. By now, it's clear that such legislators cannot be elected because of our highly partisan, rigged election maps. Thus, the next action you need to attend is the North Shore Fair Maps meeting on Zoom on Monday, September 11 from 7 - 8:30pm. As you probably know, two lawsuits are awaiting the Wisconsin Supreme Court's decision on whether to consider the cases. On August 2, Law Forward, a pro-democracy nonprofit, filed a petition asking SCOWIS to hear Clarke v WEC challenging the gerrymandered state legislative maps on the grounds that the current maps violate the Wisconsin Constitution. Dan Lenz and T. R. Edwards from Law Forward will discuss the status and future of Clarke v WEC. You can read about the suit on the organization's website.
September 19 is National Voter Registration Day. Activities to register new voters will be occurring all over Wisconsin and the nation. You can pitch in locally in one of two ways.
(1) Supermarket Legends is hosting a big voter registration effort on the UW Milwaukee campus with tables in the union, Sandburg and Cambridge Commons (two dormitories) and the library. The Legends need 17 - 20 volunteers to staff all the tables in these locations. According to a Brookings analysis of the 2022 midterm votes, "young people (18 to 29 years old), especially young women, drove the Democratic advantage." The importance of registering and motivating younger voters cannot be overstated. As the Washington Post noted, "Youth turnout in some campus wards [for the April 4, 2023, election] was near that of November’s midterms, with voters largely casting their ballots for Protasiewicz." To sign up, simply email Sue Schneidler and indicate whether you prefer morning, afternoon, or either. Supermarket Legends has great printed material to help you register the UWM students. For more information, contact Norma Gilson.
(2) League of Women Voters: Voter Services is planning a number of voter registration events on National Voter Registration Day. The League needs volunteers for some of these events:
- a voter registration event at four libraries in Milwaukee County and one library in Waukesha County;
- a voter registration event at UW Waukesha;
- voter registration events at five MPS schools;
- supporting voter registration events at Gateway in Walworth County and Gateway in Racine County.
If you are interested in training to qualify for the high schools, please contact Leigh Ann Tidey or Judy Winn.
Canvassing will also be taking place on September 23 in Glendale, with shifts beginning at noon and at 3pm, and in a few other nearby locations (see the events list below). Why, you might wonder? The goal of much canvassing is to motivate voters and to get out the vote. These canvasses are quite different. Their goal is to listen to citizens articulate their chief concerns — kind of a fact-finding mission. The information people provide helps campaigns figure out what issues to emphasize with which potential voters and what kinds of messages to craft around those issues.
In its article Wisconsin fake Trump electors case to proceed to trial next year, the Wisconsin State Journal reported that Dane Circuit Court Judge Frank Remington denied a "motion to dismiss claims alleging that the 10 Wisconsin Republicans and two attorneys who advised them broke multiple laws, including impersonating a public official, public nuisance and engaging in conspiracy." Ensuring that so-called "contested states," including Wisconsin, create fraudulent electors is prominently cited in special counsel Jack Smith's indictment against Trump. "Federal prosecutors heavily cite the actions of the slate of 10 Republican electors [in Wisconsin] who gathered at the state Capitol in December 2020 to sign documents declaring Trump the winner on the same day Democratic electors cast the state’s Electoral College votes for Joe Biden." It's important to know that the legal action in Wisconsin is a civil, not a criminal, complaint. In that respect it fundamentally differs from the Michigan Attorney General's indictment of the fake electors in that state. The article states that the plaintiffs in the Wisconsin case are seeking substantial monetary damages. The case is scheduled for trial in September 3, 2024.
The worst of the COVID-19 epidemic is behind us, but a new variant, BA.2.86, has a lot of mutations and could mean that the virus can more easily evade immune responses acquired through vaccinations and/or earlier cases. According to an article in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (August 31), A highly mutated COVID-19 strain has infectious disease experts worried. It's not been found in Wisconsin - yet. While it is not clear whether the newest vaccine, which should be available this month, will be as effective against the new variant as previous vaccines have been against older strains, "the CDC believes the new COVID-19 vaccine will be effective at reducing severe disease and hospitalization." Ajay Sethi, professor of population health sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, recommends that everyone undertake a personal risk assessment and be vigilant about the circulation of the disease.
Summer's over. Time to get to work!
Saturday, September 9
Wisconsin Coalitions Candidate Summit, 9:00am - 4:00pm
Location TBD, Milwaukee
The National Democratic Training Committee — in partnership with WisDems and their Coalitions (Black, Native American, Pride, Latino), Wisconsin Progress, Emerge Wisconsin, Wisconsin State Senate Democratic Committee, and Assembly Democrats — is offering an in-person event designed for candidates of color and LGBTQIA+ candidates. This summit will prepare you for your run for office and provide you with the tools you’ll use from now to Election Day! Register, Not a member of one of these communities? Fill out our candidate interest form to stay in the loop about other training and resource opportunities.
Stand for Peace, 12:00 - 1:00pm
Lake Drive and Silver Spring
Stand for Peace demonstrates for peace at a different intersection in Milwaukee County every Saturday.
Sunday, September 10
Keeping Our Kids Safe at School Rally, 12:30pm
North Point Water Tower Park, 2288 N Lake Dr, Milwaukee
ANOTHER DAY, ANOTHER SHOOTING: After each new horrible mass school shooting, we ask ourselves “how can we demand that our elected officials pass common sense gun safety legislation?” If you’re tired of hearing about “thoughts and prayers” as if they were solutions, join Grassroots North Shore together with WAVE, Moms Demand Action, and the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, at a rally on Sunday, September 10th, at 12:30, at North Point Water Tower Park. State Senator LaTonya Johnson and speakers from WAVE, Moms Demand Action, students, and Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence will fill us in on upcoming Lobby Days and recently introduced legislation. We’ll briefly march along North Avenue to Murray Avenue and then loop back to hear our speakers. After that, you can address already printed postcards to your legislators. We will stamp and mail them. RSVP.
Monday, September 11
Phonebank/Friendbank for Voter Protection, 5:00 - 7:00pm
Join our brand new Phonebank/Friendbanks! Protecting voting rights in Wisconsin starts with us. You’ll start by making calls to people in your region to talk about why voting rights matter and to get them involved as a Poll Worker, and then we’ll give you the tools to engage your own community in the fight for voting rights. Right now, our focus is recruiting Poll Workers to nominate for the 2024 elections to ensure that every polling place in the state is open. Training is offered at every event, and no need to prepare anything in advance--we’ll provide scripts & resources, so all you need is a computer and a phone. We welcome Wisconsin residents and out-of-state volunteers in all our Phonebank/Friendbanks! Sign up. (This event recurs every Monday evening.)
North Shore Fair Maps Meeting, 7:00 - 8:30pm
It's the Maps, stupid! By this time there could be movement on maps and otherwise in Wisconsin's Supreme Court. If so, our friends at Law Forward will explain it all to us. Sign up.
Thursday, September 14
Ozaukee Dems Gala: No Stopping Us Now, 5:00 - 8:30pm
Shully's, 146 Green Bay Road, Thiensville
Join us at our 5th annual FUNdraiser at Shully’s. Your ticket will include hor devours, dinner, dessert, and entertainment. The guest speakers will inspire, the auction will be good fun, and great people – like you – will make it fun. We hope you’ll attend and bring a friend! Click here for tickets. Price levels: VIP Table Seating $200 each | Table for 8 $800 | Rgular $75 each.
Friday, September 15
WisPolitics luncheon with U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin, 11:30am - 1:00pm
The Madison Club, 5 East Wilson St., Madison
Senator Baldwin will discuss current events and her work in DC on issues ranging from health care to manufacturing. Baldwin has been representing Wisconsin in the U.S. Senate since 2013, and before that she was in the state Assembly and the U.S. House. Read more here. Check-in and lunch begin at 11:30 a.m., the program will start at noon and last approximately 1 hour. subscribers and members as well as Madison Club members and their guests receive discounted pricing for WisPolitics luncheons of $24.50 per person. Price for the general public is $29.50 per person. Price includes buffet lunch. Sign up.
Saturday, September 16
Stand for Peace, 12:00 - 1:00pm
Forest Home and 43rd street
Stand for Peace demonstrates for peace at a different intersection in Milwaukee County every Saturday.
Whitefish Bay/Shorewood Bridge Building Canvassing! 12 - 3pm
4845 N Newhall St, Whitefish Bay
Join the Whitefish Bay and Shorewood Dems for a volunteer meetup and neighborhood canvass! We'll be talking to voters about the issues that matter most to them ahead next year's crucial elections. First time canvassing? No problem! Our organizer will walk you through everything you need to know to knock doors. All you need to bring is yourself, your best walking shoes, and a fully charged phone. sign up!
Team VoPro’s first Fall Weekend of Action! 10am - 12pm
We will have our first Voter Protection Weekend of Action event of this fall! We will host a special poll worker recruitment phonebank from 10am-12pm CT and a poll worker info session from 12:30-1pm CT. We would love for you to join us — and bring a friend! You can sign up for our Weekend of Action Phonebank here and our series of Info Sessions here! (Info Sessions generally take place on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.)
Tuesday, September 19
National Voter Registration Day with Supermarket Legends, morning and afternoon shifts
Student Union, two residence halls, and the library
For this voter registration drive, we need volunteers to staff tables in four locations at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Each location will be indoors and have one student at the table. The organization will supply all the materials you will need. To participate email Sue Schneidler and indicate whether you prefer morning, afternoon, or either.
Wednesday, September 20
September DP Oz County meeting, 7:00 - 8:00pm
130 Wisconsin Ave., Grafton
Join us at our Grafton Office as we gather to hear speakers and catch up on the local and state politics influencing Ozaukee County – while spending time with like-minded people. All interested people are encouraged to attend.
Future Voters Fest, 4:30 - 6:00pm
La Plazita Parklet, 16th & Forest Home Ave, Milwaukee
The League of Women Voters, along with with their co-sponsors — Muskego Way Forward, UMOS’ Raices Youth Group, Safe & Sound, Milwaukee Christian Center’s Kosciuszko Youth Group, Boys and Girls Club and Cristo Rey High School Admission Office — are are hosting the Future Voters Fest. In the interest of appealing to youth to better understand the voting process, and by extension their families, this event will provide hands-on, engaging activities to provide youth with the idea that voting is a key responsibility in supporting our democracy. If you want to have a fun and informative place for children to learn about voting you should put this on your calendar. Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions or would like to contribute to the school supplies or giveaways. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE FLYER IN ENGLISH AND SPANISH.
Thursday, September 21
Bay Bridge: Investing in Segregated Black Neighborhoods, 6:45 - 8:25pm
This is the 3rd of a 4 part discussion and action series. But each segment is also a stand-alone event. This is an opportunity to hold action oriented conversation around what we can do to desegregate Milwaukee. Author Leah Rothstein will attend our September discussion. You do NOT have to attend all sessions nor do you have to read the book. Please come for important problem solving & opportunity building. Register.
Saturday, September 23
Grassroots Glendale Deep Canvassing, 12pm - 3pm & 3pm - 6pm
6563 N Crestwood Dr, Glendale
Join Grassroots Glendale to knock doors and talk to voters about the issues that matter most to them! The Dems are undertaking these canvasses now in preparation for next year's super important elections, both state and national. So please sign up!
Riverwest/Harambee Dems Weekend of Action Canvass, 12pm - 3pm & 3pm - 6pm
Art Bar: 722 E Burleigh St, Milwaukee
Weekend of Action Canvass to lay the groundwork for robust and successful elections in 2024. We're talking to people to get a feel for the issues they care about and thus to craft the right messages to reach them and turn them out. Sign up. The event repeats on Sunday, September 24.
Westside MKE Dems September Weekend of Action Canvass, 12pm - 3pm & 3pm - 6pm
Democratic Party of Wisconsin Milwaukee Field Office: 8405 W Lisbon Ave, Milwaukee
Join us the weekend of September 23rd/24th as we talk to folks in the community about the issues at the front of their minds heading into the pivotal 2024 election cycle. This is a great opportunity for new canvassers to get a feel for knocking doors, so bring a first-time canvasser along with you and get to know your Dem neighbors and the issues they care about! Sign up. The event repeats on Sunday, September 24.
Wednesday, September 27
Housing, Race, & Equity Workshop, 6:30 - 8:00pm
Bayshore Lutheran: 1200 E Hampton Rd, Whitefish Bay
Through the examination of primary sources & data maps, we will gain a better understanding of how intentional institutional choices resulted in segregated housing in the greater Milwaukee area. We will also make a commitment to affordable housing and learn practical ways to take informed action. Sign up.
Thursday, October 5
Freedom to Read, 6:00 - 8:00pm
Whitefish Bay Public Library, 5420 N Marlborough Dr, Whitefish Bay
The League of Women Voters of Milwaukee County and the Whitefish Bay Public Library will co-host a Community Conversation on Freedom to Read: How Librarians Fight Back Against Book Challenges and How the Law Protects Them. Nyama Reed, Whitefish Bay Bay Public Library Director & past-president of the Wisconsin Library Association, will focus on the background of the Freedom to Read movement, plus historical & current trends in book challenges. Tomas Lipinski, Ph.D. and J.D., professor at the UWM School of Information Studies, will cover the legal foundations that support library work, including a review of the extant case law involving public school and public library book challenges and collections that demonstrate support for library decision-making in building collections. 5:30-6pm socializing/light refreshments | 6-8pm program. In person registration is limited to 80 people. So REGISTER NOW to reserve a spot.
Saturday, October 7
Hope Without Borders Picnic, 12:00pm
Parve Family Farm, 5724 Division Rd, West Bend
We are excited to welcome you for a day of fall fun during the HWB Picnic on the Farm Fundraiser. Many things have changed over the years, but some things have not... our passion for serving local and global communities. We are so excited to tell you about our farming project in Tanzania, which is changing lives and inspired us to do more. Featuring a picnic style brat fry, cookie and pumpkin decorating, games, silent auction, raffles and even a pie contest. In addition, HWB projects will be displayed as well as the reopening of Mama Julies Boutique (to include jam and honey from her farm). The fun starts at high noon.
Pre-registration is required for the Pie Contest. To request a Pie Contest form, email your contact info to [email protected].
If you can't join us you can still donate on our website at: Sign up.
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