Everything You Always Wanted to Know about ID for Voting...

But Were Too Baffled to Ask: A Workshop on Wisconsin's New ID for Voting Laws

letPeopleVote_thumSize.jpgPlease join us for a multimedia workshop about ID for voting in Wisconsin. You'll learn what's in the law, how it will be implemented, and how best to help voters obtain an acceptable ID. The workshop will be presented by Linea Sundstrom, organizer for Supermarket Legends. This event is free and open to the public.

Space is limited, so please RSVP!

September 27, 2015 at 1:00pm - 2:30pm
Shorewood Public Library
3920 N Murray Ave
Shorewood, WI 53211
United States
Google map and directions
Linea Sundstrom ·
Jocelyn Bubolz Diane Steigerwald Kathy Ulbricht Pamela Carlson Paula Friedman Michele Goldstein Marla Stephens Jane Davis Weida Ginny/Virginia Goode Paul henningsen Gloria Rozmus Tom Heppe Kathleen Laru Bruce Brewer Jo Ann Bonk Ellen Mei Arkesia Jackson Keith Schmitz Jill Tucker Lois Malawsky Carol Brill Frank & Barbara Sandberg Kathleen Golden Martha Henry Bonnie Pedraza Dorothy Dean Renee Tegge

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